cdescride face and hair

2009-02-10 2:24 am
要face and hair的vocab


回答 (2)

2009-02-10 3:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can use the following to describe face----->
1) a thin face
2) an oval face
3) a round face
4) clean-shaven
5) a bloated face
6) a cherubic face
7) a chubby face
8) chubby-cheeked
9) a chubby face
10) he had a weather-beaten face
11) a face lift
12) she has freckles
13) spots/pimples
14) blackheads
15) moles
16) warts
17) wrinkles
18) rosy cheeks
19) acne
20) a birthmark
21) a double chin
22) hollow cheeks
23) a dimple
24) smooth-cheeked/smooth-faced
25) a deadpan face
26) a doleful face
27) a sad face
28) a serious face
29) a smiling face
30) a happy face
31) smooth-cheeked/smooth-faced
32) to go red in the face (with anger/heat)
33) to go red/to blush (with embarrassment)
34) he looks worried
35) frightened
36) surprised
37) a smirk
38) a frown

You can use the following to describe hair----->
1) she has blond hair
2) auburn
3) she has grey hair
4) mousy hair
5) she's red-haired/red-headed
6) a brunette
7) streaks
8) highlights
9) dyed hair
10) long hair
11) short hair
12) shoulder-length hair
13) curly hair
14) wavy hair
15) frizzy hair
16) spiky hair
17) she has permed hair
18) crimped hair
19) straight hair
20) a fringe
21) a parting
22) a pigtail
23) a ponytail
24) bunches
25) a bun
26) lank hair
27) dull
28) greasy hair
29) fine
30) she has thick hair
31) dry
32) shiny hair
33) split ends
34) dandruff
35) a pageboy
36) a bob
37) a hairdo
38) a crew cut
39) sideburns
40) a wig
41) bald
42) a bald patch

There are probably more that I can't think of at the moment.
I hope it will help anyway~ =D
參考: 自己..... 10 幾年在加拿大生活所得的經驗
2009-02-10 3:01 am

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