[Give You Hell]的意思

2009-02-09 8:43 pm
如題想問Give You Hell呢句野係點解,唔該

回答 (3)

2009-02-10 2:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
To give someone hell = to punish someone; to give someone a hard time; to beat someone in a game or something, etc.
My daddy gave me hell because I failed my final exam.( simple past tense)gave failed
( My dad punished罰 me because I failed my final exam.)

This annoying jerk always talks about people's answers without
saying a word about his own mistakes. He really gives us hell!!!!!!!!!
( That jerk always gives使 others a hard time不安,悲哀,unhappy .)
to make people feel bad {about the things they have done}, for example.
We gave that team hell in the game.
( We beat打敗 them.)

2009-02-09 10:38 pm
When some one gives you hell it means 他在罵你!
參考: 靠估
2009-02-09 9:23 pm
去死啦. 去死啦. 去死啦.

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