What ”take beyond” means?

2009-02-09 8:19 pm
What "Take beyond" in chineses means?
Origianl Text:
Adullah's policy is to restore stability to a market that speculators took beyound even his control in mid-2008.

whatiswhat24, 你又知我自看緊 Newsweek? :P


whatiswhat24, 你又知我睇緊 Newsweek? :P Yes, I am looking Newsweek.

回答 (2)

2009-02-09 11:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Adullah's policy is to restore stability to a market that speculators took beyond even his control in mid-2008.
Plastic girl, you should focus on " beyond even his control".
" beyond even his control" means
not to be able to control it, expect anything, handle it etc.
beyond = 指範圍 越出
投機者= speculator(s)
to take = 佔領 ( They will do anything to
earn as much as they can in the market.)
Extra information for you
In English, we follow patterns like--------
I don't think that is good. <-----------------------negative then positive
I don't think ( negative) that is good ( positive) CORRECT!
I think that is good. <-------------- positive then positive CORRECT!
_I don't think that is not good <--Double negative =Bad English!
I think that is NOT good. <---------Bad English!
Negative then positive
What is a clause?

A syntactic construction containing a subject and predicate and forming part of a sentence or constituting a whole simple sentence. ( definition from dictionary.com)
The book( subject) is on the table.( predicate)
is = an auxiliary verb
on the table table = object


2009-02-09 16:31:03 補充:
For now, Abdullah's policy is to restore stability to a market that speculators took beyond even his control in mid-2008. With demand falling dramatically, he'll need to work fast. ( original text)

2009-02-09 16:52:10 補充:
Correction: With my best buddy's help, I rewrote my sentences as follows

2009-02-09 10:00 pm
I think 'took beyond' is not a phrase in the context of the sentence. Rather, the sentence should be broken into clauses as follows:

Adullah's policy is
to restore stability
to a market that speculators took
beyond even his control
in mid-2008.


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