
2009-02-09 6:51 pm
九因歌(乘數) 的英文是什?

回答 (11)

2009-02-09 6:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Nine Times Nine Table Song

2009-03-02 11:13:43 補充:

2009-03-06 09:15:27 補充:
廢話.....呢D係YAHOO ID囉!
2009-07-26 7:22 pm
It's nothing wrong about the best answer, even the others are good.
But, what's wrong is the voters, number of them are with the same name, I assumed "they" are the same guy.
It's time for the judgement-team of this forum stand up & say something to heal the ill growing.
2009-03-06 8:35 am
chiuyeh121( 小學級 5 級 ) 2009-02-17 14:20:15 投票編號 001
chiuyeh125( 小學級 5 級 ) 2009-02-17 14:17:37 投票編號 001
chiuyeh124( 小學級 5 級 ) 2009-02-17 14:16:44 投票編號 001
chiuyeh123( 小學級 5 級 ) 2009-02-17 14:15:53 投票編號 001
chiuyeh122( 小學級 5 級 ) <---------- What are these?
2009-02-11 1:58 am
I would have named it 'Multiplication Table Song'.
2009-02-11 1:28 am
Multiplication Table
2009-02-10 6:25 pm
Re: 有網友不知有「九因歌」這回事。





2009-02-16 18:59:00 補充:

况且它讀起來似現在流行的rap song 啊!

2009-02-23 10:04:02 補充:
雖然答案有song此字,本人較喜歡,但投票有造為馬之嫌,無必要這樣做啊!!特別是: This is only a simple question. You spent only a little time to give the answer. You may try other questions and score. This is a game only!!
2009-02-09 9:11 pm
The Multiplication Chart
2009-02-09 8:43 pm
Multiplication Table To Number Nine
2009-02-09 7:15 pm
但我記得當時有(神父)老師提過 Multiplication
Table一詞,就作以下的提供:Multiplication Table To Number Nine 吧!
我之所以把 To Number Nine 為止,因為那只是「九因歌」吧!而今天已屬落後。有許多小學,要求學生背誦至 12 乘 12的呢!
2009-02-09 7:08 pm
應叫做Multiplication Table
2009-02-09 6:59 pm
Multiplier Table

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