
2009-02-09 3:02 pm
如果我出左Is it equal 我放棄左綠卡呢?

回答 (4)

2009-02-09 3:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案

如你有美國移民局發出的特許臨時居留証,在有效期內,如必需的話,可去移民局申請回美証(reentry permit),若獲批准,離後可回美無問題,否則一切全失,要返回出生地重新申請,又要等好多年。





參考: 經歷、網上資料
2009-02-12 6:05 pm
you can apply 回美証(reentry permit) and try to apply muti-entry
(you can chose 1 time or muti-entry). it good for 1 year. I apply 3 time during "green card" period and "waiting period" (no green card). I travel to Mexico, HK. as long as you are not leaving US for a long period of time 7 days, 2 weeks or a month is OK! don;t worry, you are not in jail; you can leave US. As a reminder, when the time you apply for citizenship; make sure fill out how many days you left US.
參考: myself
2009-02-11 3:21 pm
yes, you can not leave USA soil now until you have the green card.
but in case of emergency you can go to CIS to ask for ( re-entry paper ) for 1 time use only. you should use lawyer help you to apply. it is not that easy to get one.
after you received the green card later, then you can travel to other countries.
why you have to wait 7 years? are you asked for political reason to stay in US.

2009-02-09 9:46 pm
Why do you have to in the United States for 7 years?

Most people only need 5 years of residency in order to be naturalized.

So without knowing your situation, it will be difficult to know what is happening. (How can you stay in the United States?)

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