"You only turn 21 once" what should I do for my 21st b-day this year...and i stay at L.A?

2009-02-09 7:18 am
I do want to do a bit of dancing but I don't want to go to a place that PACKED with people. As far as alcohol im not sure because I don't drink so im still deciding on that.....please help.......its just gonna be me and my boyfriend. And I am turning 21 so I wanna make it a night I wont forget :)

回答 (11)

2009-02-09 7:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
You only turn any age just once in this lifetime! Don't go drinking if you don't drink. If you want to have a fun night- do something you don't usually do. Rent a really nice suite at a casino & enjoy the food, room service & social atmosphere. Get a room with a hot tub!
Go ride go carts, go to an arcade- you don't have to go drinking or to a club just b/c you are 21! Live like a kid (who can get a hotel room, lol)!
2016-10-25 7:33 pm
the following is my Jewish mom guilt vacation - regardless of you do, once you've relatives, do not do something to your self which will harm your relatives. you probable favor to pass swifter, tougher, drunker or regardless of, than you have ever been on your life---yet do not endanger your self, ok? you've were given many many better years to pass of life. Your opportunities to attempt and attempt to discard selections and pass on are infinite. you're youthful sufficient to have a lot of time to attempt almost each and every thing. you'll screw up 100 cases, and performance time to recuperate, in case you do not overdo it. So pick properly, ok? do not harm your self or your relatives by going loopy for twenty-four hours :-) or letting buds communicate you into something lame or unlawful which could ruin your life. I used to imagine i change into immortal, too, yet discovered the not common way. solid success to you, sweetheart. And, satisfied birthday! :-)
2009-02-09 12:53 pm
hey start early dress up nicely with the favourite colour of urself tl ur bf to wear the same theme then just be urself and order a heart shape cake then when he come cut it with him chose his favourite cake and buy it then move arround like for window shopping then if u could arrange for a room then it will be very nice then watch a movie then go for a binner on top roof hotel in a multistored building which is on the top whr u could see the town in light then take som light drink i f u r comfortable if not get coke then after dinner go for long drive dr
2009-02-09 8:00 am
Way back when I reached 21 I had a Party!

I made it special (for me) in inviting all the kids and people I'd grown up with as far back as one is able to remember!

I'm going back to after the end of WWII in the middle 40's to 1960!

It was quite a a party. A lot of people of course were no longer around! Age and time as always takes its toll! However, I was fortunate in that the people who did come were a variety of ages, a variety of backgrounds and knew of grief, loss, hardships, sorrows, values, happiness and of the many other innumerable events that unknowingly shape ones life in future years!

I was then a young military guy. Having grown up during and after WWII when the UK, Europe and many other countries and continents were gradually recovering from the ravages of that conflict.

1960 had dawned and times had changed with the advent of music and the many other dramatic changes that occurred and were occurring in and at that period!

The years have passed me by and then came the 2 days when I sat at my Daughters and then my Sons 21st - all those years and years later.

I was able to see, witness the tremendous strides forward in the generations that had gone by. My children in no way ever knowing the cruel hard years after WWII and what I as a young man (along with countless other of that time - and our parents) had endured

Life goes on. My grandchildren are on the scene! So the circle is complete.

Enjoy your 21st. I hope in years to come its as memorable for U as it was for me!

Take some photo's - I have none remaining of my 21st - they were lost in a fire years back.

What U have made of your past 21 yrs will be the stepping stone and foundation of your years ahead!

I'm sure you'll make it a memorable day

2009-02-09 7:31 am
Well...If its only u and ur boyfriend...I suggest u guys go to the beach...spend some time there...like have a little party on the beach...but if its still cold...go somewhere in-door..like a restaurant or something..of course..the ones with dance floor...so u could dance there..Make sure the whole place know that day's ur birthday..just to make it special..but if u want to start out with some friends and end it with u and ur boyfriend...u should have a little party...in a small place......

I would strongly recommend the beach..my friend had one with her boyfriend(u know.. a little 2-ppl party at the beach)..then u could spend the night at a nice hotel with a great view...and go home the other morning....=]

Hope u'll have a great b-day...=] EARLY HAPPY BIRTHDAY=]
2009-02-09 7:27 am
Road trip ! Las vegas just stay there for a whole week, make it like a honeymoon kind of thing. You can go somewhere classic to dance all you want where it is not that crowded, then you can go somewhere very far and just sleep like somewhere in the woods like camping or something
2009-02-09 7:26 am
The obvious answer here is to go to Vegas for a weekend. It's not a far drive from L.A.
2009-02-09 7:25 am
Yay! I turned 21 last year. Well yeah you gotta drink, I would suggest any martini that isn't too strong. Ya gotta start slow. Now that you're 21 you and your boyfriend should hit the clubs. Maybe your boyfriend has something special planned for you that will be a surprise!
2009-02-09 7:25 am
Have a little Hawaiian party and buy a cake and decorate it with 21 roses for 21 years.
2009-02-09 7:24 am
ummm, Vegas girl! I grew up there, and although I hated living there, if I grew up somewhere else, that'd be the first place to go. There are so many things for you to do! There is tons of places that you can dance that are great and arent crazy packed. And right now, you will get cheap hotel rates. You could even go see a sex hypnotist show for fun, or hit a couple of roller coasters the next day, ride a gondola! It would be fun for you. So not LA, LV!

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