
2009-02-09 5:48 am

Jess : 首先多謝你幫忙...但你係咪sure你打得right架.....其他我就唔清楚啦..... 但教育局好似唔係Secretary for Education 係 Education Bureau(簡稱EDB)......我唔係唔信你.....不過....你check返下你提供o既資料.....睇下有無需要更正.......

回答 (1)

2009-02-09 7:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
Chief Executive = 行政長官

Secretary for Justice = 律政司
Chief Secretary for Administration = 政務司
Financial Secretary = 財政司

Secretary for the Civil Service 公務員事務局
Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs 政制及內地事務局
Secretary for Education 教育局
Secretary for the Environment 環境局
Secretary for Food and Health 食物及衞生局
Secretary for Home Affairs 民政事務局
Secretary for Labour and Welfare 勞工及福利局
Secretary for Security 保安局
Secretary for Transport and Housing 運輸及房屋局
Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development 商務及經濟發展局
Secretary for Development 發展局
Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury 財經事務及庫務局

綜合社會保障援助(綜援) = Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA)
西九龍文娛藝術區核心文化藝術設施 = Core Arts and Cultural Facilities (CACF) of the West Kowloon Cultural District (WKCD)
西九文化區發展 = The Development of the West Kowloon Cultural District
八萬五房屋政策 = “85,000” Housing Policy

Other terms for your references:
(1) 鞏固金融中心地位, Reinforcing Our Position as a Financial Centre

(2) 穩定房地產市場, Stability of Real Estate Market
(3) 經濟貿易發展, Economic and Trade Development
(4) 科研發展, Development of Scientific Research
(5) 商貿發展, Business and Commerce Development
(6) 優化人力資源, Optimising Human Capital
(7) 保障市民權益, Protecting People's Interests
(8) 競爭法, Competition Law
(9) 維護弱勢社群 , Care for the Disadvantaged
(10) 立法保障最低工資, Legislating for Wage Protection
(11) 長者生活援助, Old Age Allowance
(12) 基本法第23條, Hong Kong Basic Law Article 23
(13) Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) 居者有其屋計劃 ( 居屋計劃 )
(14) 二零一二年選舉辦法, Electoral Methods for 2012

Wish the above can help u ~

2009-02-09 01:29:51 補充:
Sorry for my mistake as I am typing the above by referring the HK Gov't organization chart.

"Secretary for xxx" means xx局長

2009-02-09 01:33:03 補充:
My correct answer is below:

Civil Service Bureau公務員事務局

2009-02-09 01:36:25 補充:
Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau政制及內地事務局

2009-02-09 01:36:42 補充:
Education Bureau教育局
Environment Bureau環境局

2009-02-09 01:37:08 補充:
Food and Health Bureau食物及衞生局
Home Affairs Bureau民政事務局

2009-02-09 01:37:33 補充:
Labour and Welfare Bureau勞工及福利局
Security Bureau保安局
Transport and Housing Bureau運輸及房屋局

2009-02-09 01:37:42 補充:
Commerce and Economic Development Bureau商務及經濟發展局
Development Bureau發展局
Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau財經事務及庫務局

2009-02-09 01:41:11 補充:
其他資料 would be correct as I am reference those names/terms at various Governmental websites, which all the govrnment websites are having both English and Chinese versions.

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