sign up for的英文意思

2009-02-09 2:10 am
我想知道sign up for 的英文意思,是noun,verb,adj or abv?



回答 (3)

2009-02-09 3:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
sign up for 係phrase黎嫁
sign up for 係報名的意思

上堂成日會聽到老師講sign up for (something),
例如sign up for the dancing class(報名跳舞班)

記得sign up for 之後一定要係noun(報名d咩) -例如: 咩班,咩活動笙寸

2009-02-08 19:09:13 補充:
sign up 亦有登記的意思
例如 sign up for yahoo account(登記雅虎帳)
參考: 自己↘ 不准抄襲
2009-02-13 2:24 am
sign up means 登入

sign out means 登出!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
參考: me
2009-02-09 9:29 am
Sign up for means to enroll or to register.

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