2009-02-08 11:57 pm
Consider a circle x^2 + y^2 + 2x + 6y + 5 = 0 and a point T(4 , 2) outside the circle.

(a) Find the centre C of the given circle.

(b) Find the equation of the circle with the line segment TC as its diameter.

(c) If TP and TQ are tangents to the given circle and P and Q are the points of contact, find the equation of the line PQ.

(a) 同 (b) 我都識得點做...但係(c)我就唔係太明..
請問 (c) 所講既 P and Q are the points of contact 係唔係指其中一條tangent touche the circle at P,而另一條tangent就touche the circle at Q?
同時請大家教教我點做 (c) ~~要詳細!~~~感激萬分~~謝謝!!

回答 (3)

2009-02-09 1:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
Consider a circle x^2 + y^2 + 2x + 6y + 5 = 0 and a point T(4 , 2) outside the circle.

(a) Find the centre C of the given circle.
x^2 + y^2 + 2x + 6y + 5 = 0
centre (-1,-3)

(b) Find the equation of the circle with the line segment TC as its diameter.
Mid-point of TC=(3/2,-1/2)
So the equation of the circle is

(c) If TP and TQ are tangents to the given circle and P and Q are the points of contact, find the equation of the line PQ.
Using formula
The equation of PQ is
4x + 2y + 2(4+x)/2 + 6(2+y)/2 + 5 = 0
4x + 2y + (4+x) + 3(2+y) + 5 = 0

2009-02-08 18:09:02 補充:
(B) 做錯

2009-02-08 18:09:39 補充:

2009-02-08 18:15:36 補充:
(ax)+(by)+D(x+a)/2+E(y+b)/2+F= 0

2009-02-08 18:17:22 補充:
2009-02-09 1:52 am
General form of circle:
x^2 + y^2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0
or (x+D/2)^2 + (y+E/2)^2 = R^2
where centre of the circle is ( -D/2 , -E/2) and
radius, R = ( (-D/2)^2 + (-E/2)^2 ) ^(1/2)

Answers :
(a) The coordinates of center C are ( -1 , -3)

(b) Note that the mid-pt of TC is the centre of the circle,
Mid-pt is ( 3/2 , -1/2)
So, the equation of the circle with diameter TC
(x-3/2)^2 + (y+1/2)^2 = (4+1)^2 + (2+3)^2

以我理解 : P and Q are the points of contact mean that Tangets TP
and TQ to the circle at points P and Q on the circle respectively -->係

To solve the problem ,
we need to find out the points P and Q .

General form of the tangent to the circle at point K (a,b) :
(ax)+(by)+D(x+a)/2+E(y+b)/2+F= 0

Let P and Q be (a,b) and (h,k) respectively ,
Note that tangent to the circle at K must be perpendicular to
the line KC which C is the centre of the circle
Consider P,
so, (2-b)/(4-a)+(b+3)/(a+1)= -1 --------(1)

Also, PC is radius of the circle
(b+3)^2+(a+1)^2 = 5 ----- (2)

From (1) and (2) , we have
a^2+b^2+2a+6b+5 = 0
a^2+b^2-3a+b-10 = 0
Solve the above equations,
we have a= 1 , b= - 4
a=- 2 , b= - 1
Note that there are two sets of solution because one set is for P
and the other is for Q.
slope of the PQ = (- 1 + 4) / (- 2 - 1)
Equation of PQ :
- 1 = (y + 4)/(x -1)
x+y+3 = 0

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