CPA Firms( 小型及中型公司)通常會何時請人?

2009-02-08 11:51 pm
我是應屆大學畢業生,想問一下 CPA Firms ( 小型及中型公司) 他們通常會何時請人?
(身邊的同學們很多己有大 CPA Firms offer 了~)
我的目標是只要間公司係hkicpa 的authorized employer 就得了, 不論它是否大公司,現在要行動嗎?

thank you very much

回答 (1)

2009-02-09 1:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
Small and medium CPA firms are in need of staff in March for stocktaking and audit assignments in April thereafter.
They normally employs University Leavers when they are graduated and not like the Big CPA firms to employ University Graduates in January. However, the outlook for getting an early employment is dimmer than last year.
If you are looking for an employment in CPA firms, you could write a letter to them showing you are eager and have the early intention to go to work in a CPA firm. Even you are not being confirmed for an employment after being graduated, it is a positive issue in your career advancement and development.

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