關於美國移民,, 返回香港的問題?!! (15點)

2009-02-08 11:47 pm

1. 要幾耐先可以攞到美國ge證件?(可以往返美國或香港既證件)

2. 呢個證件係綠卡定係臨時綠卡?

3. 我唔係香港永久性居民, 而且未成年, 過左去美國之後仲有冇資格返黎香港居住或者讀書?


唔該曬!! =)

回答 (3)

2009-02-09 8:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 美國長期居留証件是綠咭 (Green card),你的移民簽証在入境後會立即取消,不知那邊等証人龍有多長,所以你抵達後要馬上辦領綠咭的手續,到手後如要離美則要申請回美証 (Reentry Permit),因你未入美藉只有綠咭而離開又沒有回美証是不能重返美國的,綠咭只準許你在美國長住,但不保你離開後返去。留意所有証件都有使用期,要錄下備忘,綠咭如是。如他日你在美國境外(如香港等)就要留意在綠咭到期前六個月到美國領事館申請續期,過期就要呆等辦咭行不得。回美証 (Reentry Permit)也可以有期限的。如將過期亦要去館續期。

2. 綠咭就是一種,沒有臨時的。但在你等候綠咭期間或會有臨居証發給你們,等於香港的行街紙。

3. 你持有智能身份証,是永久性的,所以隨時留或離開香港都無問題,走 e 道搞掂。但讀書的問題應向香港教育署查詢。





參考: 居美、澳洲經歷
2009-02-11 3:33 pm
in the airport, the customs officer will stamp ( i-50 ) on your passport. that is proof you will grant the green card later. and you can use that stamp as green card leave and entry USA.
you can left the next day if you want....haha
your green card will automatic mail to you , maybe 1 months, maybe 1 year.
you said you are not HK resident, then you may have problem to stay in HK alone and for study.
參考: live is US over 30 yrs.
2009-02-09 10:03 pm
1. Usually it takes half a year. Sometimes it will be faster. As soon as your passport has been validated by the stamp. Your visa in the passport serves as a temporary Green Card. You can entry and exit the United States as you want.

2. The one you receive will be unconditional Green Card in most of the case (conditional only applies to those immigrants by marriage).

3. Yes as soon as you have the HKID. Unless you live longer than 7 years, you will not have permanent residency.

In your case, I think you'd better re-consider because why would you want to waste your money and time to finish school in Hong Kong when you can have a better education. Think about it. Send my a message if you are confused.

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