
2009-02-08 11:03 am
無限公司可以發債嗎? 可以用固定利息與獨立人士借款嗎?
這樣做又需要放債人牌照嗎? 無限公司是否不能申請
放債人牌照? 一般來說, 無限公司都是規模比較小對嗎?

兩個答案中有人話無限公司可以申請放債人牌照亦有人話唔得... 邊個先對? 無限公司公信力唔夠係唔係因為規模問題.?有無人知 到邊間係大型既無限公司呢?

回答 (2)

2009-02-09 12:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 如果想要放債就要有放債人牌照。
2. 無限公司祇有合伙人而非股東。
3. 無限公司可以申請放債人牌照。
4. 所謂發債係指公開向民眾借貸,無限公司既公信力有限,所以無做。發債成本亦係另一個考慮。
5. 銀行係做生意,祇要你可以證明還款能力就有銀行肯借。
6. 據我所知有一啲無限公司生意做得好大,所以無限公司唔一定細。
2009-02-08 4:44 pm
Unlimited company is not a legal person. The sole-proprietor or partners are personally liable for the liabilities of the unlimited company. For any persons or financial institution making a finance to the company, they have to look at the financial position of the firm and the owners' financial standing is an important issue.
Any persons lending money to outsiders as a business, he has to get a Money Lenders License. However, this license could not be granted to an unlimited company.

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