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Huckleberry Finn is a bad guy.He works as a robbery with his friend Tom Sawyer.
"works as a robbery"不能當作職業解釋 "robbery"不是職業
Judge Thatcher got her money for his own good
The widow Miss Douglas and his sister want him to stay at her house.
是"Miss Douglas"(女)又說是"his sister"(男生的姊妹) 如果要說"Miss Douglas的sister"應該是"her sister"
Because her pap was dead and said to two sister.
said to two sister"? 文法不對 想解釋什麼?
But her pap still alive and got her all money.
But her Pap "is" still alive; "and got her all money"文法不對 想解釋什麼?
her pap put him in the room and he locked the door.
If her pap go to the town and drunk.
又說"her"又說"put him"到底是男還是女?
您的性別請分清楚 以下請參考改過的文章:
Huckleberry Finn was a bad guy. He worked as a thief with his friend Tom Sawyer. Judge Thatcher got her money for his own good. (不懂您想解釋什麼? 請重新修改句子) The widow Miss Douglas and her sister wanted him to stay at their house. Because her pap was dead and said to two sister. (不懂您想解釋什麼? 請重新修改句子) But her pap still alive and got her all money. (不懂您想解釋什麼? 請重新修改句子) His Pap put him in the room and locked the door up when he went to town and got himself drunk. But Huckleberry Finn escaped and went to the Jackson island and collected strawberry, grapes and green raspberries (拼錯). There were somebody else on that island.
我沿用您寫的 並沒有重大的修改 只改了一些錯字及文法 基本上看的出來故事的大意 只是有點牛頭不對馬嘴 結束的有點草率