乜野叫pay by T/T??

2009-02-07 11:52 pm
乜野叫 pay by T/T??

回答 (3)

2009-02-08 5:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
It means Telegraphic transfer .

Prepayment or advance payment is a method of payment used in international or domestic transactions where the buyer pays the seller in advance before receiving goods or services. It is a very high-risk method for the importer and with almost no risk for the exporter. An importer can pay the exporter using cash, telegraphic transfer (T/T), Western Union or Money Gram or other payments that is agreed by both parties. Telegraphic transfer (T/T) the most common payment method that requires the use of cable or telegraph (less in use these days) to remit funds. Money does not move physically. The order to pay is wired to an institutions’ casher to make payment to a company or individual. The same principle applies with Western Union and Money Gram.

From the net
參考: 8688686886868
2009-02-18 9:17 pm
western union 是國際匯款,可以幫你匯錢到國外,但是他們沒有幫客戶買貨,或向客戶收款的服務,只是單純寄錢,手續費按美金算蠻貴的,如果寄少少錢有可能手續費高過你要寄到錢,如果你要在臺灣買貨或寄錢到臺灣就可以找這家快遞公司,他們是專業代購公司可以幫你買貨付款提貨運貨送到你家一條龍服務哦,真方便,你要在臺灣各地買貨寄錢付錢可以找這家試試,手續費只要20元http://www.hkwm.com/main_c/service/gingkwong/index2.htm
2009-02-09 12:38 am
T/T 係 telegraphic transfer, 即係電匯,銀行有呢種 service.
參考: myself

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