怎樣用英文寫慰問卡 ( 友人的母親過世了 )

2009-02-07 5:41 pm

回答 (2)

2009-02-09 5:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear XXX, <--- (your 外國友人's name)

I would like to express my sincere condolences on the recent passing of your mother. I know that your loss has been a terrible blow to you and your family. My heart and thoughts are with you, and I pray you will be comforted in your grief. My family also send their thoughts and prayers to you and your family at this difficult time.

如果你同你外國友人的母親熟悉的話, 你就寫括號裡面的說話--->
[Your mother was a wonderful person. Once when we were together, we ...(講一些你和他媽媽的一些好嘅memories, 一些開心嘅事)..]

I hope that in time your sorrow and pain will be forgotten, and only all the good memories will remain.

XXX <---- (你個名)

P.S. 寫 Condolence letter 唔需要寫得咁 detail, 簡短直接有慰問就足夠~ =)
參考: 自己..... 10 幾年在加拿大生活所得的經驗
2009-02-08 8:07 am
I am praying for your loss. God’s power has no equal and His grace is limitless, He loves us beyond measure, so when we pray. “Thy will be done,” and ask for peace. For deeper faith and courage, and for blessings that increase, we know He’ll do what’s best because His word is true, and we can have assurance that He’ll always see us through. I am praying for you often – every time you come to mind – Asking God for blessings of a very special kind – For knowledge of His love and peace to ease your pain, and then assurance He’ll be with you always.

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