Why does it take only one mistake to ruin your reputation?

2009-02-06 11:27 pm
Let say you have done a lot of projects with good results, and you earned your reputation from the good work. Why does it take only one mistake to ruin your reputation? It seems like people will not remember the good work that you did but only remember your mistake.

回答 (5)

2009-02-06 11:58 pm
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it takes many good deeds to build a reputation, but only one bad one to break it
2009-02-06 11:42 pm
People look for flaws, even in their heroes (re: people they look up to) and leaders. They find one, and they question all the other work that's done -- even if no flaws are found, they will question. I won't go so far as to say that it's just human nature, but most often people who perceive their own flaws readily (more of them than you think) will attack someone whose successes they are jealous of. Perceiving the mote in others' eyes yet neglecting the beam in your own ... that's even older that the Sermon on the Mount, yet it colors much of what people think of you because it has a stronger emotional associating for them.
2009-02-06 11:41 pm
Trust is a tenuous thing--it's easier to break than it is to fix.

If you consistently do good work in life, then make a mistake--everyone will remember it. Especially because now, you've created that 'chance' that you'll mess up again--"It's happened once, it can happen again." You'll have to work hard to erase your mistake from the minds of people.

No, it's not fair--people should be recognized for their achievements over their mistakes. But it's human nature to realize the negative before the positive. i.e. If you had great grades in school, your parents might congratulate you once--but if you suddenly let your grades slip, they'll be on your back for it. That is, in a lot of cases.

Hope this helps!

2009-02-06 11:30 pm
sadly, mistakes are more memorable.

but , if you have done good projects, one mistake ruins your reputation only if it is a biggie.
2009-02-06 11:52 pm
check your base.
If you are basing your self worth opinion on a buch of prigs who can only see the negatives, you have aligned yourself with the wrong beings.

Those who radiate love will forgive human foibles and see the true Christ consciousness that eminates from you

IOW, who are these people anyway? What authority do they have to judge you?

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