Difference between Shabbat and Sabbath?

2009-02-06 10:55 am
Hi, I am studying Judaism at the current moment. I am aware that sabbath is celebrated on Sunday. I read somewhere that Shabbat and Sabbath were the same.

Does anyone know the difference, Please explain.

回答 (11)

2009-02-06 12:22 pm
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The Jewish Sabbath is always Saturday, from Friday evening (just before sunset) until after nightfall Saturday night.

The early Christian churches also observed the Sabbath just the same way that the Jews did and having private celebrations on Sundays.

As pagans began to dominate the church, they stressed Sunday observance to distinguish their churches from Jewish synagogues. Eventually, the church moved all Sabbath institutions to Sunday.
2009-02-06 11:22 am
Shabbat is the Jewish Sabbath. It goes from Friday at sundown to Saturday at sundown. Shabbat is the highlight of the Jewish week, a time for family to come together for traditions such as candle lighting, a traditional meal, songs, felllowship at the synagogue on Friday night and Saturday morning, study, etc.

"Sabbath" can refer to either Shabbat or the Christian "Sabbath," but is more commonly used to refer to the Christian version.

Most Christians have a Sunday sabbath, and for them it means possibly taking a day off and perhaps going to church.

And no, your timing wasn't bad. Shabbat is still nearly 11 hours away here in the US, many hours away in Europe, and a few hours away in Israel. I'll star your question for my Jewish contacts.
參考: Converting to Judaism
2009-02-06 12:11 pm
As Maci has said, they're the same thing. We just use the Hebrew term "Shabbat" to make clear we're referring to the Jewish Sabbath rather than the Christian one.

Well over four hours to go until Shabbat begins here in the UK!
2009-02-06 11:05 am
Shabbat is on saturday.
2009-02-06 11:20 am
Bad timing as I would imagine that the people observing them and who really know; are either doing it now or preparing for it. I think they mean the same thing too.

I call it the Sabbath and it is a day of rest. It is the from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday. Only Christians observe it on the Sunday. Some Christians and all Jews observe it on the original time of the week.

One positive from it is that you have to be organised if you work six days and then have a holiday on the seventh.
2016-12-15 9:47 am
What Is Sabbath
2016-09-28 3:06 pm
What Is Shabbat
2016-04-06 9:54 pm
For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/awLzC

It's the difference between this world & the world to come. It's supposed to be creating an elevated time that brings in the peace & wonderfulness of the world to come. It is also a chance to rest from all activities of creating. That's a different feeling than a vacation gives (it's hard to understand the difference tween Shabbat rest vs. vacation until it's tried). It doesn't feel like slavery vs. freedom at all to me. However, we do have a holiday for that! Passover.
2016-03-13 9:57 pm
I feel that Wednesday is the difference. (Or was that Thursday?) How can a day of the week be the difference between freedom and slavery? (Or don't you know what "Sabbath" means? you don't have to be Jewish to understand language.)
2014-01-14 7:52 pm
1Then Moses assembled all the congregation of the sons of Israel, and said to them, "These are the things that the LORD has commanded you to do: 2"For six days work may be done, but on the seventh day you shall have a holy day, a sabbath of complete rest to the LORD; whoever does any work on it shall be put to death. 3"You shall not kindle a fire in any of your dwellings on the sabbath day."EXODUS 35:1-3

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