gerund or present participle

2009-02-07 1:14 am
1)The bank-robber entered the bank without the policeman seeing him.
2)The bank-robber entered the bank without seeing the policeman.

'seeing' in sentence 1 is gerund or present participle?????
Also,'seeing' in sentence 2 is gerund or present participle?????
Or both 'seeing' are gerund or present participle the same?

Does gerund need not subject before it in sentences?(like sentence 2)
Does present participle need subject before it in sentences?(like sentence 1)

Please explain in detail.Thanks a lot~

回答 (2)

2009-02-07 10:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
1)The bank-robber entered the bank without the policeman seeing him.
2)The bank-robber entered the bank without seeing the policeman.
1) present participle seeing him
2) gerund without =prep+( gerunds) seeing the policeman
What is the present participle= the imperfect participle?
Participles are adjectives and are often used in front of nouns
I saw a talking robot ( NOUN). <--------------- Talking = present participle

Swimming is fun. <--------------------Swimming = gerund( subject)
Doing homework is boring. <------------Doing = present participle
While talking on the phone, she cried. Talking = present participle
Having lost all his money, he called his wife. Having = present participle
Some verbs are only followed by gerunds, not infinitives.
The criminals denied stealing anything.Correct!
The criminals denied to steal ............ Wrong!
I go shopping. Shopping = gerund
I admire the girl finishing the project.
finishing = participle project = noun
I admire the girl<---------- Nothing to do with" finishing the project".
I admire the girl's finishing the project.
With " the girl's ............", I admire not the girl, but her " finishing the
Does gerund need not subject before it in sentences?(like sentence 2)

Ans:The bank robber --------------- it refers to the bank robber in 2)
Does present participle need subject before it in sentences?(like sentence 1)
Ans: Not exactly! the policeman = subject in the first sentence.
Please check out my examples above.

2009-02-07 02:57:17 補充:
enter the bank感覺係入銀行做例行公事(例如提款)...話d賊衝入去銀行,話"the bank robber dashed into/bursted/burst into the bank''會生動好多.另外,bank robber之間唔駛hyphen.
2009-02-07 2:05 am
without seeing the policeman其實可寫成without his seeing the policeman,只不過因為其主詞與主句相同,所以,我們很多時都會把它省略
但反而你第一句應寫成:without the policeman's seeing him

是 分 詞 還 是 動 名 詞 ?

貴 欄 說 On arriving in Chicago, he was met by his friends at the station ( 他 到 達 芝 加 哥 時 , 朋 友 在 車 站 相 迎 ) 一 語 的 on arriving in Chicago 是 分 詞 子 句 ( participle clause ) , 但 on 是 介 系 詞 ( preposition ) , 其 後 的 arriving 就 應 是 動 名 詞 ( gerund ) 而 不 是 分 詞 , 然 則 on arriving in Chicago 應 是 名 詞 片 語 ( noun phrase ) 吧 ?
On arriving in Chicago 等 於 on his arriving in Chicago 或 on his arrival in Chicago , 可 見 把 arriving 當 作 ( 動 ) 名 詞 是 不 無 道 理 的 。 英 語 學 者 斯 旺 ( Michael Swan ) 的 《 英 語 用 法 指 南 》 ( Practical English Usage ) Participles: clauses 一 節 有 一 句 話 , 或 可 解 答 讀 者 的 問 題 : Note that -ing forms after prepositions can often be considered as either participles or gerunds -- the dividing line is not clear ( 介 系 詞 之 後 的 ing 動 詞 , 往 往 可 視 為 分 詞 或 動 名 詞 , 難 以 清 楚 辨 別 ) 。 斯 旺 在 書 中 把 on arriving in Chicago 之 類 子 句 稱 為 分 詞 子 句 , 但 顯 然 認 為 只 要 文 法 正 確 , 子 句 應 列 入 哪 一 個 類 別 並 不 重 要 , 這 一 點 我 絕 對 贊 成 。
不 過 , on arriving in Chicago 無 論 如 何 不 可 稱 為 名 詞 片 語 , 因 為 名 詞 片 語 文 法 上 可 作 名 詞 用 , on arriving in Chicago 四 字 卻 不 可 以 。 這 四 字 的 文 法 結 構 其 實 是 「 介 系 詞 + 名 詞 片 語 」 : arriving in Chicago 三 字 是 可 作 名 詞 用 的 , 例 如 : He looked forward to arriving in Chicago ( 他 盼 望 到 達 芝 加 哥 ) 。 這 一 句 文 法 上 等 於 He looked forward to it , 那 it 是 代 名 詞 , 而 arriving in Chicago 則 是 名 詞 片 語 。

2009-02-06 18:05:50 補充:

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