[英文] email問題!! (20點!)

2009-02-06 10:01 pm
好多時~有加附件的話, 都會見到人地打句Attached please see.......
同埋我想問attached放句子前面的話, 可以點運用呢? 可否給一些例句?

還有的是, 如果寫英文email, 第一段開頭通常會講乜架???
因為平時寫慣中文, 經常都會講一d客套既說話先~例如問問近況.

回答 (2)

2009-02-06 11:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In e-mail, some people do not write by formal english. Just like Attached pls see --> It is not in a correct grammer, you can write --> Attached the documents for your reference. Or Pls see the attachement.

E-mail should be written in main point, short and simple. Just telling the receiptor what you want to let him know.

For example:

Hi John,

Just want to let you know that the goods will be arrived to our warehouse on today, will deliver to you on tomorrow. Pls note. Thanks.

參考: Myself
2009-02-07 5:35 am
In writing emails, you don't have to write formal English.

In the first paragraph, you may write the following:-

Hello, Hi, Hey
What's up?
How's your family

For using the word attached, you may write as follows:-

Please find attached ....................... or

Attached please find ............. or

I attach herewith ..................
參考: self knowledge

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