加拿大acadia university 有咩好同唔好?

2009-02-06 8:23 am
加拿大acadia university 呢間大學有咩好 同有咩唔好 ?

p.s 人地話係山卡拉 , 咁會唔會好悶 , 買野唔方便 ?

回答 (2)

2009-02-06 7:42 pm
basic all the Uni are the same.
big campus have more people but you go there for study, not for party.
small compus have less people, but you can have close attention and closer firends.
no matter larger or small, after 1 year hanging there, you will love it.
remote area? at least your school is in the city downtown , most uni are away from town la.
borning? you will have internet, phone, tv, supermarket, converience stores, restaurants, bars....... nearby. why borning?
2009-02-06 10:50 am
1. U 細
-好處, 易入, 易畢業
-唔好處, 冇大 U 咁多人識, 名氣唔夠, 搵工比較難

2. 山卡拉
-好處, 空氣清新, 環境清淨
-唔好處, 你可能覺得悶, 冇得飲茶, 冇得睇港產片


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