
2009-02-07 6:41 am
CHRIS is always the heart of the party; he is well spoken, confident and gregarious. He has lots of friends and seems to have everything going for him. Why then, is he suffering from low self-esteem? Chris sets very high standards for himself; he constantly seeks approval and validation from those around him. While he is very good at making other people happy, he is not very good at making himself happy, nor acknowledging his own successes or achievements. He is scared of failure and sets very high, almost unachievable, goals for himself. He doesn’t truly believe he can achieve them, which makes him angry and depressed. Sometimes he even unconsciously sets himself up to fail.

Sarah, one of Chris’ classmates, is generally quiet and not very confident. She hates answering questions in class in case she gets the answer wrong. If she does get the answer wrong she scolds herself and gets depressed. However, when she gets the answer right she doesn’t congratulate herself or look happy. She has set too high expectations for herself; she wants to be perfect every time. She indulges in self-pity and complains to her friends constantly about how difficult her life is, but refuses to do anything about it.

Low self-esteem can affect anyone, we’ve all probably experienced a time where we hit ourselves over the head, and felt so guilty, that we dwell in something that we’ve done. The smart thing to do is to make amends, give yourself a break and let the problem go. People who have low self-esteem find this very difficult to do and make themselves unhappy by going over and over their mistakes, dwelling on their lack of action, deficient personality and so on.

很急  幫幫忙

回答 (4)

2009-02-07 4:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Chris 經常在團體中扮演核心的角色,他很能言善道、很有自信也很合群 他有很多朋友而且大家都很喜歡他 然而,他卻因為缺乏自信而不快樂 Chris 總是給自己很高的標準 他總希望能得到周圍的人的認可 雖然他很擅長於讓別人開心,他卻不懂得讓自己開心並且很謙虛的不敢承認自己的功勞 他很害怕失敗 但他卻把標準都設得很高 很難達到的高 而且他總不相信自己有辦法達成那些目標 因此他經常把自己弄得很生氣 有時還使自己因此而失敗

Sarah是Chris的同學,很安靜卻沒甚麼自信 她不喜歡回答問題因為她怕答錯 每當她真的答錯時 她會責罵自己而且變得很沮喪 但即使她真的答對了 她也不會恭喜自己或是表現得很開心 她總替自己下了太高的目標 她希望每次都能夠是完美的 她沉溺於自怨自艾當中並且老是和同學抱怨自己的人生 卻一點也不改變自己

缺乏自信是我們經常接觸到的事 我們也經常為了我們所做的一些事而感到罪惡感 但是最正確的做法應該是讓自己歇會 任由問題自己去化解 但是這對沒自信的人來說是一件非常困難的事 並且總會因他們所犯的錯而不快樂

What does this article about? That is, give a brief summarize about it.

The brief summarization about this article is that people who have low self-esteem might find out that it is extremely difficult for them to accept their mistake.
這篇文章大概事再說 沒自信的人總是很難原諒他們自己

What is the interesting thing you find in this article?

What I found is interesting in this article is that people with low self-esteem are constantly blaming themselves.
我覺得有趣的是 沒有自信的人總是責怪他們自己

How does this article connect with you?

How this article connected me is that I am a low self-esteem person. I do not like to answer questions on the class either.
我本身也是個沒自信的人 我也不喜歡在課堂上回答問題

What do you learn from this article?

Most self-esteem people make themselves unhappy because they always give themselves too much pressure.
我學到說 沒自信的人總是給他們自己太多壓力

Would you recommend others to read this article?

I would definitely recommend others to read this article because there are so many people I know who have low self-esteems.
我會建議別人看這篇文章 因為我有認識好多缺乏自信的人

2009-02-07 08:49:32 補充:
參考: 我很努力的花了1個小時打的!
2014-10-22 6:36 pm

2009-02-07 2:14 pm


2009-02-07 9:23 am

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