F.2 Maths Questions.

2009-02-06 6:44 am
Factorize the following expressions:
Q 1. X^3y-10x^2y^2+25xy^3
Q 2.Peter is years older than his sister. 9 years ago, he was twice as
old as his sister. How old is Peter now?

Q 2.Peter is (7) years older than his sister. 9 years ago, he was twice as old as his sister. How old is Peter now?

回答 (2)

2009-02-06 7:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
= xy (x2 - 10xy+25y2)
= xy (x-5y)2
Question not complete. Missed out the number of years Peter old than his siter.

2009-02-05 23:45:45 補充:
Q 2. Peter is ( 7 ) years older than his sister. 9 years ago, he was twice as old as his sister

2009-02-05 23:45:54 補充:
Let P be the age of Peter now.
therefore the age of sister is P-7 now.

2009-02-05 23:45:58 補充:
9 years ago, Peter's age is P-9, and his sister's age is P-7-9 = P-16
He was twice as old as his sister 9 years ago, so
P-9 = 2 * (P-16) = 2P-32
P = 23

Therefore Peter's age is 23 years old now.
2009-02-06 7:56 am
Thank you so much!

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