
2009-02-06 3:27 am



回答 (2)

2009-02-06 4:32 am
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(New Year customs):

Abandoning the "old" New Year, burning furnace check-wang

Italy, in welcoming the New Year when things like throwing away the old.
New Year's Eve, people will throw things out the window, including irons, desks and chairs and, of course, rubbish. Throw away some old things, and over the past year on behalf of the unpleasant and difficult goodbye, looking forward to the coming year there is a new start.
In addition, the New Year's day, Italian families have one burning fire, but do not maintain a full day off, because they believe the fire from the sun, New Year's Day off the coming year will "not see the light." New Year's Day and one on one fire burning all day long, it could herald the coming year is booming, all the year round can be bathed in the warmth of the sun-like.
(Christmas customs):

Every family in Italy, are put there the birth of Jesus story model features. On Christmas Eve, eat a big meal for family reunion, to take part in the Christmas midnight mass. After they go to visit relatives and friends, only children and elderly people who receive gifts. Christmas, Italy have a good customs, the children wrote essays or poetry, express appreciation for their parents in the past year to their education. Their works, in the absence of eating Christmas dinner, before being hidden in the napkin, the plate or tablecloth below, the parents pretend to not see. After they finished dinner, put it back to the U.S. read.
(Dietary practices):

Type of Italian cooking with rice and green onions into speculation about oil, plus salt and water, cook low heat 1 hour, fresh butter and cheese before the mixing. This is the traditional European food law.
2009-02-06 4:11 am

Main articles: Italian culture and List of Italians
From the Lombard invasion until the mid-nineteenth century, Italy was not the nation-state it is today. The Italian regions were fractured into various kingdoms, duchies, and domains. As a result, Italian dialects or regional minority languages and customs evolved independently. While all Italian states were similar and they retained basic elements of Roman language and culture,[citation needed] each developed its own regional culture and identity. As a result, even to this day, Italians define themselves primarily by their home region, province or city, and many still speak a local dialect or regional language in addition to standard Italian. Regional diversity is important to many Italians, and some regions also have strong local identities.

The Italian people have somewhat varied European origins apart from the original Ancient Italic peoples: Northern Italy had a strong Celtic presence in Cisalpine Gaul until the Romans conquered and colonised the area in the 2nd century; the central portion of the Italian peninsula was inhabited by the Etruscans and Italic people; and southern Italy and Sicily was settled significantly by Greeks (see Magna Graecia).

The Romans Romanized the entire peninsula and preserved common unity until the 5th century AD. After the collapse of the Roman Empire in the West in 476 AD, the Italian peninsula was invaded by Germanic peoples crossing the Alps, establishing settlements in north-central Italy and to a much lesser degree in the south. The Germanic tribes underwent rapid Romanization.

2009-02-05 20:13:53 補充:
我想給多點資料給你的,但自述過多, 打不到了, 真對不起啊!!!><"
參考: www.wikipedia.org(那兒有很多很多資料啊!!!但你不要打問題, 你只可以打一個字>0<), 希望我的能夠幫到你吧!!>0<"

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