
2009-02-06 1:41 am


1.廣東話發音 : '嗯...'
英文發音 : 'Erm...' 或 'Um...'

2.廣東話發音 : '吼...!' 意思:獅子叫聲
英文發音 : 'Rrrrrrr!'

3.廣東話發音 : '好野!' 或 '萬歲!'
英文發音 : 'Yeah!' 或 'Hooray!'

4.廣東話發音 : '哈哈!' '嘻嘻!' '呵呵!'
英文發音 : 'HaHa!' 'HeHe!' 'HoHo!'

咁我想問...跑步比賽開始時用的氣槍果d 'B..!'聲

唔好答我呢個答案 : 'B..!'


回答 (2)

2009-02-06 3:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
通常我地好少用 "beep" 去形容氣槍 or 槍發出嘅聲....we usually use "Bang" instead.....或者 "Bam".....
Other than those words.......你都可以用 "Pop", "thud" and "thump". ^______^

2009-02-08 11:56:14 補充:
I'm serious.....what you are talking about is an onomatopoeia(象聲詞)...
whatever gunshots....we usually use "Bang" ....For "Beep", only use it for the sound of "horn"(喇叭)
see the site below....it has all the onomatopoetic words

2009-02-08 12:14:09 補充:
also...起加拿大用來 false start 嘅 pistol... 係 " plat" 一聲....通常我地都係用 "Bang" 去形容.....
哈哈~ also...我無話唔可以用 "beep"去形容.....不過寫英文文章嘅時候, 象聲詞就唔好用 "beep" 去形容槍聲, 因為係錯o架~ =D

2009-02-08 12:18:59 補充:
* 用來 for start 嘅

2009-02-09 17:39:40 補充:
Also, Hong Kong's starter pistol/gun sounds more like a horn....I would say that it is a horn more than a pistol/gun...I'm not sure...no offense...just my opinion~ Chill ^_____^
參考: 自己..... 10 幾年在加拿大生活所得的經驗
2009-02-06 1:44 am
咁我想問...跑步比賽開始時用的氣槍果d 'B..!'聲
英文: "Beep"
參考: myself

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