Can love last forever?

2009-02-05 4:03 am
Do you guys know any couple that lasts? Couple who might grow old but still love each other.
Just by curiosity! Happy love life to all of you =)

回答 (30)

2009-02-05 4:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
Love Is Like a Plant , If You take care of It and watch Over it and Treat it with Respect and dont Neglect it then It can last Forever
參考: Cravin
2009-02-05 12:19 pm
Well, I've been married almost 11 years and my husband and I STILL act like newlyweds. My parents have been married for 45 years and THEY still act like newlyweds (even after 5 kids and 7 grandkids). My grandparents were married for over 30 years until my grandma died of breast cancer in the 70's. My grandfather never got over the loss of my grandma. If my parents died at different times, the other one would likely die soon thereafter of a broken heart. I am NOT exaggerating. My husband and I can't even talk about making a will out or anything because I become a big crying, blubbering mess when I think about him dying. And he tries to avoid the whole "if I die before you" talk because he gets really upset just thinking about me dying before him. So, yes, love CAN last forever....and even longer!! =)
2009-02-05 12:08 pm
Can it happen? Sure. But it doesn't happen real often these days.

My roommates parents are in their 70s, been married around 50 yrs (I forget how many). They are still in love, but they had their bumps. They both cheated in the past, and there was the deaths of 2 of their kids, and a car wreck that left her with a brain stem injury so that she walks with a shuffle and often appears almost 'drunk' (slurred speach).

In modern times relationships tend not to last as long as in generations past...but our world is much different also, and some of the reasons marriages used to last so long, don't exist anymore for many. There's less "need" to be married or stay married as there once was...
2009-02-05 12:29 pm
i think love can last forever. my grandparents have been married for 50 years this year!
i think me and my boy will last forever....we've been through hell and back pretty much and we love each other more than ever. hes had quite a few gfs in the past and when things got tough he just gave up on that relationship but weve had worst times than him and his ex gfs and says hes gonna do whatever so our relationship stays good and that im his one true love :) so im pretty positive that this love will last forever. especially since we are growing with each other as we age and go threw everything together.
參考: medical assistant :)
2009-02-05 12:21 pm
I know it can it takes two to make it work tho.

I read this somewr...
Most relationships tend to fail, not because the absense of love. Love is always present. Its just that one was being loved too much, and the other was being loved too little.

I thought it somehow went with what i wrote. TO make something last a lifetime 2 ppl must stay commited
2009-02-05 12:20 pm
It can but not likely.. today is not like our was when our grandparents were young . people don't respect a relationship and some don't think twice about crossing the line .Even if it is to break up someone else's relationship or marriage for there own selfish reasons. the first little sign of trouble and they start looking else where.They don't try to fix the problem. Sex is everywhere, hard to really keep a relationship together in a time of weakness ot laps in judgment. Family values are all but dead in most peoples mind. There more in to money or sex than what it takes to keep a relationship working for many years . Some are just to lazy and selfish to put in the work a good relationship takes .. so how it is possible has a lit of obstacles and hurdles it most over come to work for many years.
2009-02-05 12:20 pm
I believe that it can. It sometimes isn't easy but true love does exist and it's worth fighting for. A successful, loving marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. My grandparents have been married for 60 years and they are more in love than ever. They are so sweet together, they hold hands and give each other kisses, I love to see them so happy. I know that will be me and my husband some day. I just hope that if he lives to be 100, I want to live to be 100 minus one day, so I never have to live without him.
2009-02-05 12:14 pm
I believe love lasts forever just like diamonds, its a beautiful thing i know with all of the divorces and the cheating and the lies it seems as though love is a myth but it does last forever, i strongly believe that!!
2009-02-05 12:09 pm
I am in a relationship that I feel that the love can last. My parents have been together over 40 years. They had some rough moments and they are still together.
2009-02-05 12:08 pm
Yes, one couple I know of were my grandparents. They were married in 1941, and were married until my grandpa's death in 2000, so 59 years and loved each other dearly and deeply. So yes, it can last, if you find the right person.

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