Would you rather have a bottle of Baileys or Jack Daniels?

2009-02-05 2:04 am

回答 (15)

2009-02-05 2:24 am
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Jack & coke.=)
2009-02-05 2:13 am
Jackie D is the drink for me.
2009-02-05 2:13 am
Jack Daniels! Baileys is so sicky.
2009-02-05 2:12 am
Some Jack! That Baileys is too milky
2009-02-05 2:07 am
2009-02-05 2:07 am
Bailey's. Jack's nasty.
2016-05-29 11:06 am
Jack Daniels
2009-02-05 2:20 am
JD, I use it to make my special BBQ sauce for the ribs and brisket we do and for a bourbon cake we make at christmas time. Im not much of a hard liquor drinker so cant say which to either but the JD for baking defiantly
2009-02-05 2:12 am
Ewww, gross... drink jameson!!!
2009-02-05 2:11 am
I have bad experiences with Jack Daniels...
2009-02-05 2:11 am
2009-02-05 2:09 am
I've never tasted dark liquor, because it smells so bad ... but Bailey's is HORRIBLE! It tastes like curdled cough syrup! .... Can't I have tequila instead?
2009-02-05 2:08 am
Depends on my mood. Jack Daniels is a lot better when I'm just hanging out but Bailey's man whewwwww.
2009-02-05 2:07 am
Jack Daniels, Baileys is for pussy's
2009-02-05 2:46 am
Neither. Alcohol is for losers.

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