( words of blessing)

2009-02-05 2:17 am
where can i find

回答 (2)

2009-02-10 2:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1a. "to consecrate (a thing) by religious rite, formula, or prayer" e.g., "the bishop blessed the new church"

1b. "to make holy or sacred." e.g., "And God blessed the 7th day and sanctified it", Gen. 2:3

2. "to ask God's favor for; to commend to God's favor or protection", e.g., "God bless mommy...daddy"

3. "to wish good for; to feel grateful to"

4. "to make happy or fortunate"

5. "to praise, to glorify, to call holy"

6. "to guard or protect from evil", e.g. "God bless this house"

7. "to make the sign of the Cross over; to ward off evil"
From the net

2009-02-05 2:31 am
Blessing 解"祝福"

一般常用於基督教中"願主祝福你"的意思, 即"God Bless You"

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