”p 牌? What is that?

2009-02-05 12:34 am
See the title, please.

回答 (6)

2009-02-05 12:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
"P" refer to Probationary.

A probationary driving licence is issued to someone who has just passed the driving test.

So the one who has the new licence can be called a probationary driving licence holder or simply a probationary driver.

If you refer to the plate instead of the driver, however, then call it a probationary plate or P Plate.


2009-02-04 16:49:48 補充:

PROBATIONARY driving licence holders are required to display "P" plate at the front and rear of the vehicle they are driving .....

2009-02-04 16:51:37 補充:
"P" refer(s) to Probationary.

2009-02-04 16:55:48 補充:
For more information:


2009-02-05 13:16:45 補充:

If you think the meaning of "new licence holder" (新牌仔) is not clear enough to you and you would like me to be more specific please let me know.
2009-02-05 7:53 pm
P = here stands for "Probationary." Which means the driver had passed the driving test recently. (how new? 1 week? 1 month? Nobody knows!)
The P sign has to put at both front & rear glasses of the vehicle, to indicate the driver is a 'new hand'. The sign tells you: please be careful & bear with him/her.
參考: self
2009-02-05 1:29 am
"p" stand for "practice", that means to enphase it is a practice driving license.
2009-02-05 12:41 am

  為提升道路駕駛安全,運輸署 昨宣布,下周一起《二○○八年道路交通(修訂)條例》將正式生效,屆時適用於電單車的新領牌照人士「暫准駕駛計畫」(P牌),將擴展至私家車及輕型貨車。所有於當日或以後報考私家車及輕型貨車考試人士,及格後將須領取費用九十元的「暫准駕駛執照」,通過為期一年的「暫准駕駛期」,才合資格領取十年期「正式駕駛執照」。




2009-02-05 12:37 am
P 係 provisional

p 牌 provisional driving licence。 即係臨時牌。

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