
2009-02-04 7:02 am


(一)簡介:1957 年 西 維 珍 尼 亞 的 煤 林 鎮 , 17 歲 的 荷 馬 正 面 對 人 生 的 抉 擇 -- 上 大 學 , 還 是繼 承 父 親 當 煤 礦 工 人 。 他 擁 有 一 個 想 飛 的 夢 , 夢 想 能 製 造 火 箭 , 飛 越 天 際 。 可 是 ,這 個 偉 大 的 夢 想 , 卻 被 人 視 為 妄 想 ……

(二)我們欣賞到一齣勵志的電影,叫October Sky,此片是寫實的佳作,甚扣人心弦。故事的背景是在五十年代美國西維珍尼亞貧寒的煤林鎮,一個煤礦工的兒子荷馬(由Jake Gyllenhaal積克格寧賀飾演)對外太空的奧秘充滿著興趣,17歲的他聯同三位中學裡「志同道合」的拍擋一起自製小型火箭,希望在全國科技比賽中得獎,拿取獎學金進入大學,實現他們飛向太空的夢想。

(三)1957年,蘇聯成功發射了世界第一枚人造衛星,此舉轟動世界,也使美國震驚,認為是奇蹟。當時,荷馬等四人自製火箭在這個平凡得很的小鎮立刻被視為是不自量力、妄想。在這個沒落的煤礦小鎮大小都以掘煤為生,荷馬的父親(由Chris Cooper基斯谷巴飾演)一直希望兒子能繼承其衣缽,所以極力反對他做研究火箭此等不切實際的事。


(五)Miss Riley(中譯為黎老師)是影片中我認為另一位令人敬佩的人。在學校裡,校長開始都不贊成荷馬等研製火箭,覺得中學生不可能具備這種能力。反而,黎老師十分鼓勵荷馬他們;當荷馬的父親在礦場受傷,需要醫藥費,荷馬被迫做礦工賺錢,意志消沉而想放棄研製火箭時,黎老師講出自己對他們的將來存有的期望,更勉勵其信心,燃起其鬥志,令他們重返走向夢想的道路。荷馬這幾匹千里馬,如果沒有黎老師這位伯樂,就不可能一飛衝天了。可惜,黎老師在三十一歲時因為淋巴癌而逝世,如果這電影不是根據真實個案來編導,我真希望劇情是黎老師不用死。








4,5,6 部分係重要之中既重要 希望你地可以幫到我啦 我會衷心感激你地 多謝!多謝!多謝! 就算吾係最佳回答果個 你地都係好人黎架!!

回答 (1)

2009-02-04 11:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Introduction: In 1957, the seventeen Homer in the Coal Lin Town of West Virginia, was facing a crucial decision of his life: to advance to university, or to inherit the coal mining job of his father. He harboured a dream of flying, dreaming of manufacturing a rocket to fly across the sky. However, this dream of greatness was disregarded as pure irrationality by most common people......

2. We have watched a film of encouragement and stimulation named October Sky. This fine piece of gripping realism took place in the fiftys, in the Coal Lin Town of West Virginia: a coal miner's seventeen son Homer (starring Jake Gyllenhaal), who harboured great interest to the enigma of the outer space, teamed three of his aspiring college friends to produce a mini-rocket, hoping to triumph in the national technological contest, and to gain the scholarship to university in order to achieve their dream of flying to the space.

3. In 1957, the Soviet Union succeeded in launching the world's first artificial satellite. This feat startled the world and the U. S., who considered the incident as a miracle. By then, the attempt of producing a rocket of four youngster including Homer, was immediately disregarded as squaring a circle. Every one in this small town subsisted their lives by coal mining, and Homer's father (starring Chris Cooper) always anticipated his son to take over his occupation, thus he oppose Homer's unrealistic dream of studying rockets with great exertion.

restrained by the word limit, here is the first three sections.
the remaining three sections will be posted afterwards very soon.

2009-02-04 15:58:16 補充:
I am so very sorry about that but the word limit restrained me in email, answering venue and supplemental content, terminated my full translation to your six word sections. I believe I am now only allowed to post the first three sections.
still, hope those will be useful.
參考: self translation

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