
2009-02-04 4:57 am

回答 (1)

2009-02-05 3:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
"農曆新年的習俗" 嘅英文...你可以講----> "The Convention of the Chinese Lunar New Year" OR " The Custom of the Chinese Lunar New Year" OR " The Chinese Lunar New Year Custom"

你想要D英文生字..which is 有關農曆新年的習俗和禁忌?
我真係唔知你想要 D 咩野生字, 希望下面可以幫到你....

1) families visit - the oldest and most senior members of their extended family, usually their parents, grandparents or great-grandparents.
2) lion dance/ Dragon dance
3) red packet / red pocket money/Red envelopes
4) fireworks and firecrackers
5) pray to ancestors
6) pray to the Chinese god(ex: Buddhists)
7) blessed with good luck
8) "chì kǒu" (赤口) <--- get into arguments/ quarrels
9) stuffed dumplings/ Chinese sweet dumplings/Glutinous Rice Ball
10) Reunion dinner
11) Lunar New Year markets
12) Flowers-->
Peach Blossom - symbolizes luck
Kumquat - symbolizes prosperity
Narcissus - symbolizes prosperity
Chrysanthemum - symbolizes longevity
Bamboo - a plant used for any time of year
Sunflower - means to have a good year
13) Lanterns
14) Decorations ---> Chinese calligraphy posters
15) New year picture
16) Chinese knots
17) papercutting
18) couplets
19) Fortune gods <--財神
20) sticky rice cake

禁忌 -->
1) shoes
2) Getting a hair-cut
3) Washing your hair
4) Sweeping the floor
5) Saying words like "finished" and "gone" OR saying "I have completed eating my meal" <---我食飽喇!
6) Talking about death/ ghosts/ spirits
7) Buying (or reading) books
8) Avoid clothes in black and white
9) Foul language
10) Offering anything in fours, as the number four
11) buy a clock for someone
12) Avoid medicine and medicine related activities

There are probably more that I can't think of at the moment.
I hope it will help anyway~ =D
參考: 自己..... 10 幾年在加拿大生活所得的經驗

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