
2009-02-04 3:51 am

回答 (2)

2009-02-04 9:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
cc 即是 cubic centimetre, 中文叫 立方厘米.
2009-02-04 6:37 pm
CC = Carbon Copy 中文 = 抄送 你寫信、文件給一單位,正夲給這單位,副夲則抄送往其他單位作參考、備案。

2009-02-11 22:54:57 補充:
The question is on Management. Either the question raiser is wrong on putting this question under Management or the selection for the best answer is being misunderstood by other fans. The question raiser bbsugarbunny should state out his intention in this aspect.

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