✔ 最佳答案
以色列(Israe)l,失業率(the unemployment rate),腎結石(the kidney stone),衛生防護中心(the health protection center),醫院管理局(the hospital administrative bureau),聖雅各福群會(the Saint Jacob luck group meeting),社會福利署(Social Welfare Department),財務委員會(the financial committee),香港婦聯有限公司(the Hong Kong Women's Federation Limited company),香港聖公會福利協會(Hong Kong Protestant episcopal church Welfare Association),東華三院(the Tung Wah group of hospitals),駕駛學院(the driving institute),運輸署( the Shipping Corps),抽水站(the pumping station),低窪地區(the low-lying area),稅務學(the tax affairs study),消費稅(the excise tax),平機會(the even opportunity),打火機(the cigarette lighter),襲擊警員(attacks the police officer)