Finance 既長問題 part B

2009-02-03 6:01 pm
續 "Finance 既長問題 part A"...

The project is considered to have a similar level of risk to the other oil exploration and production projects currently being undertaken by the company. The company expects to raise $12,500,000 through a rights issue of new ordinary shares. The company will raise an additional $10,000,000 through an issue of listed corporate debentures which will yield a before-tax return of 10.00% for investors. The $2,000,000 net working capital requirement will be sourced from the company’s ongoing line of credit facility with the National Australia Bank which has an 8.00% before-tax interest rate cost. The company’s ordinary shares have a current traded price of $4.28 and will pay a forthcoming annual dividend of $0.40, with long-term growth in dividends of 4.00% expected in the future.


a)Determine the appropriate weighted average cost of capital (discount rate) that the company should employ in evaluating this new oil extraction project.

b)Using the discount rate calculated above, determine the net present value (NPV) of the oil extraction project for ROC Oil Limited. Note, it is acceptable to use a rounded discount rate in the tables for NPV calculation purpose.

(3 + 7 = 10 marks)

回答 (2)

2009-02-04 8:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(a) The WACC has 3 components

1. cost of equity: [0.4x(1+0.04)]/4.28 +0.04 = 13.71962616822%

2. cost of debt 1: [0.1x(1-0.3)] = 7%

3. cost of debt 2: [0.08x(1-0.3)] = 5.6%

Total fund = $12,500,000 + $10,000,000 + $2,000,000

We = $12,500,000/$24,500,000= 0.510204081632653
Wd 1 = $10,000,000 /$24,500,000 =0.408163265306122
Wd 2 = $2,000,000 /$24,500,000=0.0816326530612245

WACC = We*cost of equity +Wd1*cost of debt1+Wd2*cost of debt2
WACC=0.103140949837879 = 10.3141%

b) The inital capital for the project =
$1,200,000+$20,000,000+$2,500,000+$2,000,000 = $25,700,000

yearly depreciation cost for the oil drillng facility = (20,000,000-8,000,000)/20 = 600,000

yearly depreciation cost for the housing facility = 2,500,000/20=125,000

Profit tax for every year = (4,450,000 - 600,000-125,000)*0.3 = 1,117,500

Profit tax for year 20 = 0 as the accounting profit will be negative for this project

Yearly activity cash flow = $(80-45)*150,000 - $800,000 -1,117,500= $3,332,500

Cash flow for the final year (year20) = 4,450,000+2,000,000+8,000,000-5,000,000 = 9,450,000

discount rate = i = 10.3141%

NPV = - 25,700,000 + 3,332,500*[1-(1+i)^-19]/i +9,450,000/(1+i)^20

2009-02-03 8:13 pm

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