✔ 最佳答案
Abigail (Source of Joy) ; Aileen (Light) ; Amanda (Lovable) ; Bernice (Bringer ofVictory) ; Charlene ( Small Beauty) ; Chloe (Blooming) ; Diane (Virgin Goddess) ; Dora (Agift) ; Erika (Powerful) ; Eunice (Happily victorious) ; Fiona(Pretty) ; Gwen (Fair) ; Hanna (Blessed by God) ; Harriet(Mistress of the Home) ; Helena (Light) ; Ida (Happy) ; Jade(Jewel) ; Kerri (Dark haired) ; Lois (Feminine of Louis) ; Mandy(Harmony) ; Myra (Wonderful) ; Nina (Mighty) ; Opal (Gemstone) ;Phyllis (A green bough) ; Rhea (Earth) ; Rhoda (Rose) ; Sybil(Wise) ; Tanya (Fairy queen) ; Tess (Harvester) ; Una(One) ; Vera (True) ; Winona (First born) ; Yolanda(Violet flower) ; Zoe (Life giving)
Have fun!
P. S. Incidentally, Hanna rhymes with the Chinese name. A bit of prejudice there. Sorry.
2009-02-03 12:24:52 補充:
Most important: give her a name that she'll like to use (easy to pronounce, be called, write etc) and also loved by you. Sorry for picking more names under H, a bit of prejudice there.
2009-02-03 12:27:32 補充:
To create a special name for your daughter might first sound and look different; in fact it could be odd and funny or even put pressure on your child when she grows up. I've listed here some proper but not widely used names with meanings. A name without meaning is only an imperfection.