as well, too 有什麼分別?

2009-02-03 4:43 pm
what's the difference between "as well" and "too"?
when should we use as well??

回答 (1)

2009-02-03 10:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
" as well" versus " too"
When we place" as well" ( more formal)or " too" at the end of a sentence,
there is no big difference between them.
1) I will go to Japan too. = I will go to Japan as wel ( formal)l.
We can link up things with " as well as ".
1) Simon Chan is smart as well as warm-hearted.
smart warm-hearted <--------------Two adjectives here
Here you cannot replace" as well" with " too l".
We use " too" in short phrases.
me too
you too
" too" also carries a negative sense.
She is too ugly!
She is too annoying!
Stop it!!!!!! Grrrrrr! This is TOO MUCH!!!!!! >_<
I like it too. ( oral )=
I like it as well. ( kind of formal)


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