I want to become a teacher and don't know what to major in?

2009-02-03 3:26 am
I want to be a teacher for 5th-8th grades. I'm considering a psychology major, but don't know if that is ideal for a teaching profession. Would a specified subject be better?
I would love as much input as possible about this difficult decision!

回答 (5)

2009-02-03 5:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
For high school, you usually have a double major, education and your field.

I would suggest a direct certifiable field: history, English, Lit, math, science or something else like that.

Psych has the problem that, depending on your state, you may only be able to teach psych. Psych is NOT a required class.
2009-02-03 1:04 pm
If you plan to teach in elementary school, you would major in Education (you may have a choice of emphasis, such as Curriculum and Development). If you want to teach in middle school (6-8th grade) you will need to major in the specific subject area you wish to teach, such as English or Science, with and Education minor.
參考: I am an 8th grade English teacher.
2009-02-03 12:00 pm
A psychology minor may be really helpful to you as a teacher (particularly with that age group). However, you should try to find a school that offers an education program. Some schools will add teaching licensure to a random degree but most education professionals (as well as hiring staff in schools) will want to see more knowledge of actual education systems, best practices, etc.
2009-02-03 11:44 am
I am not sure what happens in the States but in any general Education programme, there usually is a Child Psychology course of some sort that takes new teachers in the development of the mind of a child and how children acquire learning (at different stages). In where I live, we call it "Educataionl Psychology," which also includes counselling courses.

I think you will find psychology fascinating and in any case, should you want to get a degree in psychology first and then an after degree in education, that will still do you good :)

Perhaps there are some people you can talk to at your current school or at a prospective college so you can get to know the programmes and what they involve. Best of luck in choosing!
2009-02-03 11:30 am
you're supposed to major in education; in that field you can specifically learn about phychology. i think you can do that by minoring in it or having a double major. best of luck!

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