Yes I know this question has proberly been asked a million times but I just can't resist?

2009-02-02 10:02 pm
Was it snowing where you live today?

回答 (28)

2009-02-02 10:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Gotta love the snow =]
I was sent home from college
Might not have to go to placement tomorrow
Will be able to build snow people and make snow angels
Pelt my brothers with snowballs
With global warming and everything, we dont know how many more snow days we will get
Enjoy it while you can =D
2009-02-03 6:06 am
yes!! =D
參考: Leeds, UK
2009-02-03 7:31 am
it was but it stopped
2009-02-03 6:27 am
This was our church at 10.00am this morning.
參考: EDIT: STOP PRESS!!! I forgot I took this one on the way back from the pub.
2009-02-03 6:22 am
Yes and it's still going on and off, bit too soggy to lie though but I suspect it will ice over tonight and snow on top of it tomorrow. I'm in north east england.
2009-02-03 6:11 am
Where I live not until this evening, so not much. Where I work was covered though. The van I was driving had to be towed by a tractor twice today.
2009-02-03 6:10 am
Yep 5 inches. Hope it snows again tomorrow love snow looks so good fresh snow on the ground, buildings etc
2009-02-03 6:09 am
yep is still snowing.
i m in newcastle.
2009-02-03 6:08 am
yes it snowed here in Bournemouth today
2009-02-03 6:08 am
not anymore, snow is just about away.
central scotland

supposed to be more tomorrow
2009-02-03 6:08 am
No, not today. But more is due this week. I'm in the Midwest USA.
2009-02-03 6:08 am
Yes, blizzard on and off all day. Kids school closed and couldn't get to work so spent day sledging and snow ball fights. No snow tonight but expected to ice over.
2009-02-03 6:07 am
No, it's 70 degrees here!
2009-02-03 6:07 am
yeah loads
2009-02-03 6:07 am
Nope. Not a snow flake on the ground.
2009-02-03 6:07 am
no because we're in a little pocket were the snow doesn't go dame
2009-02-03 6:07 am
2009-02-03 6:07 am
yeps.. 8cm deep :)

I was hoping for eight foot deep tho :D
2009-02-03 6:07 am
7 1/2 inches... of snow, that is.
2009-02-03 6:06 am
No, not in Belfast, Northern Ireland....................

Thank God!!!

I hate snow..........
2009-02-03 6:06 am
No but we're supposed to get some tomorrow. Parts of Ireland had lots but mainly near the East coast, not West where I live
2009-02-03 6:06 am
Yes :)
2009-02-03 6:06 am
nope. :D the snow was melting! :)) that makes me soo happy.
2009-02-03 6:06 am
no, the snow was melting a bit
2009-02-03 6:06 am
Yes has been and still is on and off.
2009-02-03 6:05 am
Yes. We have about 7 inches.
2009-02-03 6:06 am
PROBABLY. And yes.

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