
2009-02-03 7:19 am
why it is important for Hong Kong children and teenagers to continue to take part in traditional Chinese festivals?Explain why they are important to Chinese people.


回答 (1)

2009-02-05 9:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
During the days of the Cultural Revolutions in mainland China, many of the traditional Chinese cultures and festivals were eradicated. The city of Hong Kong, being a British colony at that time, was immune to the effects of the cultural persecutions. For this reason, many of the ancient Chinese traditions are still in existence exclusively in Hong Kong today. It is, therefore, vitally important that our younger generation in Hong Kong continue to participate in traditional Chinese festivals and ensure that such tradition is preserved for the many generations thereafter. These traditional Chinese festivals is a part of all Chinese people, providing us with an unique and sacred identity. These are the ideals the bind us together as one.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 22:27:42
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