關於英文文法 the的問題(urgent)

2009-02-02 9:28 pm
我想問下 國家前面洗唔洗加the

China has occurred the earthquake again after the tsunami in South Asia


回答 (3)

2009-02-04 5:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
我想問下 國家前面洗唔洗加the

The Chinese are The Japanese are <-------- people
Japan, Thailand, America, China <---------------- No " the"
The United states of America<------- " The" <--------
The Philippines<--------------------The <----------
The United Kingdom<-----------The
Here is a website for you.
Just click on the name of the country and you will see if you need to
use " the".
For example,
Philippines(<--- Click on this) - Republic of the Philippines

Filipino: Pilipinas - Republika ng Pilipinas
English: Philippines - Republic of the Philippines
A page will show up

The Philippines, officially known as the Republic of the Philippines, is a country in Southeast Asia with Manila as its capital city. It comprises 7,107 islands in the western Pacific Ocean.
China has occurred the earthquake again after the tsunami in South Asia

這一句有沒有錯? Wrong!
Something occurred in China <-------------------Correct!
Your sentence is very strange with " the + the" . 果個+果個=
Also, I have no idea why you had to use " again" because earthquakes often hit China.
I would change your sentence as follows without being able to read the rest of your text.
An earthquake occurred in China after the tsunami in South Asia.

An earthquake wrecked havoc in China after the tsunami devastated ( verb) South Asia.
If one earthquake hit China before the tsunami devasted South Asia, you may write............

Another earthquake ..........................................

2009-02-03 21:35:53 補充:


2009-02-03 21:36:39 補充:
我不知道邊個--------------------Yahoo ate my words again!
2009-02-07 11:33 am
the係specific article, 即係當我地想指明一group內的某樣野時, 便要加the.

e.g., Boys are rude. (所有男孩都是粗魯的) The boy with a red
t-shirt is rude. (那個穿紅衣的男孩是粗魯的)

所以, 國家名不用加the的, 因為當你講中國 ... 就好明顯係講緊中國, 你不會指明某一個特定的中國

e.g., China has a large population. (中國有很多人口).
我們不會說 The China has a large population. (那個中國有很多人口)

不過, 某d情況下, 我地會特別指明某一個中國 ... 咁就需要加the

e.g., The China I know is different from the China you know. (我所知的那個中國和你所知的那個不同)

至於國籍便一定要加the, 因為唔加the, 便會變了果種語言

e.g., Chinese (中文), the Chinese (中國人)
All the Chinese speak Chinese.

至於The United States, The United Kingdom呢d係本身個名已經有
the字, 是名字的一部份, 係一定要有的, 唔係加上去的

例句的語法問題, 其他人說了, 我不再重複.
After the tsunami in South Asia, an earthquake occured in China

2009-02-07 03:45:11 補充:
The United States, The United Kingdom呢d點解有個the, 其實都係同一個道理, 佢地係合眾國及聯合王國, 咁呢個世界可以多過一個United States, United Kingdom ... 呢d名本身不specific, 所以當時會加the字指明是 THE (one and only) United States
時至今日, 係人都知United States係指邊一個, 所以有時都就咁叫 United States (US), United Kingdom (UK)
2009-02-02 9:40 pm
國家前通常不需加 the, 除了某些國家:
例如 the Philippines

China has occurred the earthquake again after the tsunami in South Asia

The earthquake occurred in China again after the tsunami in South Asia.
參考: me

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