Who won the Super Bowl 43 on Sunday, February 1, 2009?

2009-02-02 3:18 am

回答 (17)

2009-02-02 3:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
The Pittsburgh Steelers did!
2009-02-02 3:20 am
the refs
2009-02-02 3:20 am
steelers with out a doubt
2009-02-02 3:20 am
Pittsburgh Steelers - of course!
2009-02-02 3:21 am
The Pittsburgh Steelers!!!!!!! WOOOOOTT!!!!!!!!
2009-02-02 3:20 am
2009-02-02 3:21 am
Dumb Steelers! Cardinals lost because of a fumble! Grrrr!
2009-02-02 3:20 am
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
2009-02-02 3:26 am
New York Giants...jk i wish
Pittsburgh Steelers!!!!!!!!!!!
2009-02-02 3:25 am
Pittsburgh Steelers
參考: television

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