
2009-02-02 3:35 am

春節餃子要在除夕晚上包成,子時(半夜十二點吃,這時正是農曆正月初一伊始,取“更子”之意,“交”“餃”諧音,故稱“餃子”,還將餃子裏麵包上硬幣,吃到的人被認定要交好運。 另外餃子的作法是先和麵,“和”字就是“合”;餃子的餃和“交”諧音,“合”和“交”又有相聚之意,所以用餃子象徵團聚了。

3.臘月初八,我國人民有吃臘八粥習俗。 據說臘八粥傳自印度。佛教的創始者釋迦牟尼本是古印度北部迦毗羅衛國(今尼泊爾境內)淨飯王的兒子,他見眾生受生老病死等痛苦折磨,又不滿當時婆羅門的神權統治,捨棄王位,出家修道。初無收穫,後經六年苦行,于臘月八日,在菩提樹下悟道成佛。在這六年苦行中,每日僅食一麻一米。後人不忘他所受的苦難,于每年臘月初八吃粥以做紀念。“臘八”就成了“佛祖成道紀念日”。

“臘八”是佛教的盛大節日。解放以前各地佛寺作浴佛會,舉行誦經,並效仿釋迦牟尼成道前,牧女獻乳糜的傳說故事,用香穀、 果實等煮粥供佛,稱“臘八粥”。並將臘八粥贈送給門徒及善男信女們,以後便在民間相沿成俗。據說有的寺院于臘月初八以前由僧人手持缽盂,沿街化緣,將收集來的米、栗、棗、果仁等材 料煮成臘八粥散發給窮人。傳說吃了以後可以得到佛祖的保佑, 所以窮人把它叫做“佛粥”。南宋陸遊詩雲:“今朝佛粥更相饋, 反覺江村節物新。”據說杭州名刹天寧寺內有儲藏剩飯的“棧飯樓”平時寺僧每日把剩飯曬乾,積一年的餘糧,到臘月初八煮成臘八粥分贈信徒,稱為“福壽粥”“福德粥”意思是說吃了以後可以增福增壽。可見當時各寺僧愛惜糧食之美德。



6.餃子 7.臘八粥 8.饅頭 9.冰糖


回答 (2)

2009-02-02 3:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. "Cakes" the origin of the word originated from the Spring and Autumn伍子胥, when the king夫差in order to resist a foreign enemy,伍子胥mandate the construction of阖闾City, urban construction after伍子胥felt fear夫差king will be subjugated, so asked his first to prepare a number of sticky rice cakes, and to buried under the wall and inform if Yue Wu was destroyed, the people can be dug up to eat rice cakes.
Sure enough, later died伍子胥by calumny, Wu was more poverty, hungry people everywhere, people thought of伍子胥during his lifetime, they dug under the wall of glutinous rice cakes, for people to eat out, generations of people on the use of glutinous rice cake to commemorate伍子胥.

2.Spring Festival custom of eating dumplings from the Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty. Is the prevalence of large areas of northern China as a way the Chinese New Year.
Chinese New Year dumplings to pack into the evening on New Year's Eve, midnight (midnight to eat, then it is the first lunar month, the first at the beginning of a "more child" means, "pay" "dumplings" homophony, it referred to as the "dumplings", will also dumplings wrapped inside coins, were found to eat have to pay the best of luck. Another approach is to dumplings and noodles, "and" the word is "competent"; dumplings the dumplings and "pay" homophony, "competent" and "settlement" meaning there together, so the symbol of reunited with dumplings.

2009-02-01 19:50:47 補充:
3.腊月eighth of the fourth month, our people have the custom of eating腊八粥.腊八粥reportedly came from India.

2009-02-01 19:51:04 補充:
The founder of Buddhism, Sakyamuni this is an ancient northern India Ka Wei-Guo Luo adjoin (now in Nepal)净饭王son, who see the suffering of sentient beings, such as sickness and death by torture,

2009-02-01 19:51:33 補充:
but also resentment at the time of theocratic rule, Brahman, abandoning the

2009-02-01 19:51:48 補充:
throne, become religious.

2009-02-01 19:52:37 補充:
No early harvest, after six years of asceticism, in腊月on the 8th, under the bodhi tree Buddha enlightenment. Asceticism in this six-year, the day only to

2009-02-01 19:52:42 補充:
have one Ma 1 meters. Future generations never forget his suffering,腊月eighth of the fourth month of each year to commemorate congee to do. "Laba" became "the Buddha into Road Day."

2009-02-01 19:53:36 補充:
4. It is said that when the three countries, Shu often the south of the main hole孟获Ministry Nanban attacks harassment, Zhuge Liang will personally lead troops to battle孟获. Lushui rarely populated area,

2009-02-01 19:53:50 補充:
malaria and Lushui toxic heavy. Zhuge Liang was a blind faith in his idea: to kill some Nanban the prisoners, with their head to the河神Lushui Festival. Liang did not adopt killings "Nanban" captured the idea, but in order to boost

2009-02-01 19:54:47 補充:
morale, he came up with a solution: use the military to bring into the flour and dough, head捏成steamed like children, as a sacrifice instead of "pretty"河神the first to worship.

2009-02-01 19:54:58 補充:
Since then, this pasta down on the spread, and spread to the north. But as "pretty" head is too scary, and people with "steamed bread," replace the word "pretty" words, writing "bread" In time, bread has become the main food of the northerners.

2009-02-01 19:55:16 補充:
6. Dumplings 7.腊八粥8. Steamed 9. Bingtang
參考: 翻譯網
2009-02-04 1:49 am

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