
2009-02-02 1:21 am
5.有咩辦法可以搵到背景相似既人一齊去? (已經問過晒d fd話無興趣去)


回答 (4)

2009-02-09 12:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 生活費一個月, aud$1000左右啦. 約五千港元/月
學費有平有貴, 睇你 係想要學歷既讀書. 定想體驗一下外國既生活. 如果讀學歷既, 文憑課程可以約1萬至2萬 澳元一年, 即5-10萬港元. 但如果只求體驗 對學校無要求既$5000 澳元一年左右都有. 約2萬5千港元左右一年.
儲幾多錢, depends 你想讀幾多年書.

2. 讀diploma business 可以一年 , 2萬5千港元左右一年也可以畢業 (講明在先, 學校唔係好有名氣果d) 5萬以上港元一年既先會叫好小小.

3. 半供讀可以呀. 學生簽証可以俾學生打工ka. 通常大多學生都係做waiter/ kitchenhand/ sales / cashier 大路既工.

4. 好多人都係一個人去...去到, 開左學咪有朋友囉.
(我自己都係sydney 讀書, 畢左業啦..... 你怕悶, 可以搵下我....哈哈)

5. 我都有朋友係果D 平價學校讀書....可以介紹給你呢......不駛怕係HK 無人陪你過黎.....最重要係你開朗 去結識新同學仔....

如果你想問學校既野可以EMAIL 我. [email protected]
2009-02-14 12:30 pm
你好呀..........我係yahoo知識見到你的發問...其實我都有興趣去澳洲工作旅遊...不如大家一齊交流下心得..傾下 thank
我msn: [email protected]
mali: [email protected]
2009-02-03 3:54 am
Hi, i graduate from Australia, before you going to australia to study, what is your qualification? and what you want to gain from Australia, english course ? Degree? or other program? i help students to enroll to Australia to study as well, if you confirm what you study,i can introduce some friend who will go with you together, but first of all, let me answer your questions below first.

1. Australia currency is lower than before, depends on which course you want to study. (you can tell me in the email)

2. english course is the cheapest

3. Easy to get a job, and they will cash on hand. but all is work in restaurant. at least 10aus per hr

4. No, you must know lots of frd out there. you will not be alone

5. Go to Melbourne and Sdyney, can earn more experience, feel free to leave me an email "[email protected]" if you want to know more, cheers
2009-02-02 1:34 am

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