
2009-02-01 8:07 pm
因為好鍾意英文^v^,所以14粹就打算去英國 / 美國留學 ^3^
萬分感謝呀 >333<

回答 (2)

2009-02-01 9:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hi kid,

you said you like English, so hope you will understand everything I said here, because I don't know how to type Chinese!

I live in Canada (13 ys already!!), although it's not one of the countries that you want to go to, but we are very similar to US, so I would like to give you some information, hope it will help!
I came to Canada when I was 15, right after I finished F.3, so it would be the same as what you are planning to do.

to answer your questions: (part 1)
1) to be honest, any country that speak English would be good! depends on what culture do you like. for England, they are more formal; and for US, they are more casual.

for education structure, England has the same as HK, which means you would still have to take the HKCCE exam, and the F.7 exam.
but for US, you only have one big test at your last year of high school, to determine which University you can get into.
In Canada, I think it's the easiest, as you don't have to take any big special test to go into University. just a final test for high school graduation, very easy!

and the accent is different too! (similar to 鄉音). the English you hear from most of the movie would be US accent. so if you study in England, you may have some trouble getting to used to the US accent if you choose to studay in England. One of my friend who studied in England told me this experience.
(to be continued...)

2009-02-01 14:20:11 補充:
2) I don't know about these 2 countries, but for Canada, you can go to any school, just you have to pay more tuition fee than regular students.

(please see "comment" for more)

2009-02-01 14:21:07 補充:
3) since you are so young, I would recommend you to take boarding school. Home-stay is not as good as you think. it might be cheaper than boarding school, but it is VERY HARD to live with strangers!!!! this is from my experience.......

2009-02-01 14:23:25 補充:
4) no! it's not true! if you study well, and accept their culture, people won't discriminate you! Chinese has a very long history of living in US/England, so people are very used to this already! if you are not willing to learn English, then no one will like you!!!

2009-02-01 14:24:13 補充:
5) this is same as me, so you will start in grade 10 if you go to US, and in England, it would be the same as HK. but this also depends on your marks in HK, they will use that to determine if they will let you go to the next level (grade 10 or F.4), or repeat to get better mark.

2009-02-01 14:24:53 補充:
6) if you ask this question, that means you don't really want to go study! if you really want to learn English, then you shouldn't worry about being bored!! if you want to learn good English, then you have to study hard!!
(to be continued)

2009-02-01 14:26:00 補充:
and the most important thing to learn good English is NOT to know JUST Chinese friend! if you just have Chinese friend, then you will never be able to learn English!
(to be continued)

2009-02-01 14:26:33 補充:
you have to make friends with the local people, talk to them in English every day, and not be shy to ask any questions, or ask people to repeat what they said. (to be continued)

2009-02-01 14:26:50 補充:
because when you first arrive, you will find they all speak very fast, and you will not be able to understand what they said. but if you ask them politely, to repeat what they said slowly, they would be happy to help you!!

2009-02-01 14:27:07 補充:
well kid, hope my answers help. my recommendation is to go to Canada, because it is more safe than US and England.
but don't go to Vancouver or Toronto, becuase those cities have too many Chinese, so you won't be able to learn good English!!

good luck!!!
2009-02-02 8:18 am
1.我想問去英國好定美國好???{有咩好處??} Both are good places for studying further, but I personally like the US better.
2.如果係英國/美國.v.好似話吾可以讀公立學校,要讀私校,咁有邊d學校好? Good private schools – Harvard University, Yale University, Stanford University, UC Berkeley, Princeton Univerity, etc.
3.咁住學校寄宿好,定寄宿家庭好??{有咩好處??} With a family is better, I think.
4.我聽講←美/英國果邊都好似會岐視咖??係咪真係有咖??如果有,咁邊方會嚴重d?? Yes, discrimination is a problem. It is happening everywhere in the foreign countries, no matter if it’s the US or UK. In the future, even if you are employed in the US or UK, you will face discrimination too.
5.我讀完中三先過去,咁即係我去到果邊(美/英國)會讀咩?? High school.
6.其實我驚英國果邊會悶到死-,-會搞到冇心機讀書-3- ,但係美國又驚會掛住玩=3吾讀書,會吾會咖??(我主要係想學好英文^3^) – In the US, you won’t get distracted by the entertainment. Once you are determined and put a lot of concentration in your studies, nothing can distract you.

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