Is it wrong to care for animals?

2009-01-31 9:42 pm
It kind annoys me when i get teased for knowing about local pet shelters and humane societies
and how KFC treats their livestock

and recently I've been advocating for dogs for a project

i get teased for being a PETA supporter or something
I don't like PETA (they go overboard)

None of my friends have pets and never spent near hundred bucks on taking care of pets

but I don't get it.....why make fun of someone who cares about animal cruelty and wants pets to have a good life?

recently my friend told me to "cut off ur fish's fins cause it has fin rot that doesn't go away"...and she said she was dead serious...otherwise "just let it die"

i'm probably venting lol....but does anybody else get treated this way?

回答 (16)

2009-01-31 10:12 pm
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Don't let people that tease you over your love of animals upset you. Just be proud that you've turned into a good person and not a selfish, self centered poor excuse for a human being.

No one should judge you for beliefs.

My aunt said that I was stupid because I spent so much on my dog in the last 2 years of his life. He was diabetic and cost me a small fortune.She said I should have had him put down. She is also diabetic, so I said how about she gets put down instead.LOL.
I made a commitment to him the day I brought him home as a puppy and I saw that commitment through til the end and have never regretted 1 penny that I had to spend on him.....

Just go with your heart, find new friends as you don't want people like that to keep pulling you down.
2009-01-31 9:59 pm
It is a good thing to love animals.
Pets don't argue, they love you all the time.
In many ways I prefer animals to people..

animal shelters do a wonderful job.

your friends are not very caring.
Your heart is in the right place. If it wasn't for people like you, where would all these amimals be?
2009-01-31 9:46 pm
It's not wrong to take care of your pets or animals, but don't be fooled by the PETA stuff...A lot of those peta videos are staged
2009-02-01 1:09 am
omg no!! never let anyone make you feel bad or wrong just because you dont believe what they do. plus you are the better person anyway, especially if what you believe is to care about other people and animals how can someone argue with that?! people are stupid. i care about animals so much and am so strongly against animal cruelty that i became a vegetarian and i have never been happier or healthier. just follow your heart and dont let people tease you for being compassionate and actually having a heart!
2009-01-31 10:11 pm
I care about my pets and other animal a lot! people make fun of me all of the time about my rabbits, but i just ignore them and think that i am giving animals a great life!
參考: I have many rabbits
2009-01-31 9:54 pm
I ignore people who are like that- they are the ones missing out because they've never experienced the joys of pet ownership. I suggest you join a forum with other pet owners. I have joined ferret forums, and there, you can talk about all of that and everyone understands. I know on ferret forums, there are people that have spent thousands of dollars for just vet bills and wouldn't think anything of you spending hundreds. ;)
2009-01-31 9:49 pm
No, and not very many people think it is wrong to care for animals (well...maybe VERY ignoramus people)
yes (I mean I understand). people who are munching on their kentucy fried chicken wing don't want to hear what they're doing is wrong in any way. better to sweep it under the rug, is what it is. Also, you're always going to find someone who will ridicule you just for being different. It sucks--but just remember what you believe in, stand up for what you believe in...even if you stand alone. (<----I heard that somewhere else..but it's true)
2009-01-31 9:48 pm
Nooo wayy it is soo not worng to care for animalls- goshh i love animals and really really despise animal cruelty. think about it they have feelings to, there living for a purpose just like we are, if we harm an animal it is as if we are harming a human, i love animals n they should all be treated well. i agree pets deserve the best quality of life and why not. i wouldnt tease anyone who loves caring for animals. take care :) hope this makes you feel better
2009-02-02 12:27 am
NO, it is never wrong to care about pets or any other kind of animal! If you want to help take care of the home less animals like cats, dogs, rabbits, or any thing else than you can do it!!!!!!!!!!! but just ignore those who pick on you and continue what you want to do.
2009-01-31 9:58 pm
big difference between pets and animals to treat a wild animale like a pet is a big mistake a wild wolf will kill a elk just to kill it. is that animal cruelty? if you cant cut them fins off or have it done than you don't need pets or next time you need your teeth worked on you need to say no because its animal cruelty. Making tuff dis is the hardest thing about loving animals.

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