Chart of account - drawing

2009-02-01 1:15 am
drawing 在會計系統中, 是屬於 chart of account 邊一個 type

e.g. bank, cash 是屬於 asset, loan 是屬於 liability
sales 屬於 income


回答 (3)

2009-02-02 8:22 am
Drawing is take out money for private use.

DR- drawing
CR- cash
2009-02-01 1:52 am
Drawing is the money the proprietor/ partners drawn out from the firm. It is still an asset of the company. But, this amount has to be deducted from the proprietor's fund ( Capital ) contributed by the owners. So the net amount due to the owners is Capital ( Liability ) - Drawings ( Asset ) if in Cr. balance, then it is still a liability of the firm. However, if it is in Dr. balance, then it is an asset of the firm.
We use Equity Fund for shares issued to shareholders ( owners ) in a limited company.
2009-02-01 1:48 am
Drawing 在 proprietorship 公司的 chart of accounts 裏,是 owner 用來提取獲利, 或取回投資, 所以屬 capital.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 23:31:51
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