Pure Maths continuous function

2009-01-31 10:50 pm
Let f(x) be a real valued function such that
1. f is a non-negative continous function
2. f(√(x^2+y^2))=f(x)f(y) for all real x
a.)show that f(x)=f(lxl) for all real x
b.)show that f(√n(x))=[f(x)]^n for all positive integers n and for all real x
c.)show that f(r)=[f(1)]^k for any rational number r, where k= r^2
d.)show that f(x)=[f(1)]^m for all real x, where m = x^2

myisland8132 : I can understand part a and b , but I find difficult in part c and d


I want to ask why you construct a sequence of rational numbers r_1,r_2,...r_n such that lim n-> infinity r_n = x and k_n=r_n^2 ? 我完全無想過要咁做,可唔可以解釋為何你會咁想? 及時而出 : 同樣我都係想問(d)part,這條題目明明是continuous function 的問題,點解會想到用sequence證明? plz 分亨下你地係點諗???

回答 (5)

2009-02-01 1:23 am
✔ 最佳答案

if x>0,then f(lx|)=f(x)
if x<0, then f(|x|=f(-x)
Consider f(√(x^2+y^2))=f(x)f(y)
Substitute y=0 f(√(x^2))=f(x)f(0)=f(x)
So f(x)=f(lxl) for all real x
Using M.I.
when n=1
the statement is obvious true
Assume that when n=k, the statement is true
i.e. f(√k(x))=[f(x)]^k for all positive integers n and for all real x
when n=k+1
= f(√k(x))f(x)
= f(√(kx^2+x^2))
= f(√(k+1)(x))
when n=k+1, the statemett is true
By M.I. f(√n(x))=[f(x)]^n for all positive integers n and for all real x
=f(√(r^2)*1) by (b)
=f(r) (no matter r is positive or negative given by (a))
So, f(r)=[f(1)]^k for any rational number r, where k= r^2
Since we can construct rational number r_1,r_2,...r_n such that lim n-> infinity r_n = x
On the other hand, we can also construct k_n=r_n^2 such that
lim n-> infinity k_n = lim n-> infinity (r_n)^2 = x^2
From f(r_n)=[f(1)]^k_n
lim n-> infinity f(r_n)= lim n-> infinity [f(1)]^k_n
Since f is a non-negative continous function
f {lim n-> infinity (r_n)}=[f(1)]^ (lim n-> infinity k_n)
f(x)=[f(1)]^m for all real x, where m = x^2

2009-01-31 18:51:17 補充:
Actually, I miss the important point in part (c) f(√(1/q)(x))=[f(x)]^(1/q) since I don't know how to prove it ( I believe that it is true). However, after see the answer of 及時而出, I think that this statement may be wrong!!

2009-01-31 22:20:46 補充:
及時而出的part (c)正確, I would like to write it more clear
Let r=p/q then p = rq.
= f( q*r )
= f(r)^(q^2) ... by (b)
On the other hand,
= f(p*1)
= f(1)^(p^2) ... by (b)
f(r)^(q^2) = f(1)^(p^2)
f(r) = f(1)^( (p/q)^2 ) = f(1)^( r^2) = f(1)^k
where k=r^2

2009-01-31 22:21:36 補充:

2009-01-31 22:23:53 補充:
part (d) 是經驗。基本上係「吹水」﹐你這樣寫就full marks

lim n-> infinity f(r_n)= f (lim n-> infinity r_n)


2009-01-31 22:24:34 補充:

2009-01-31 22:27:14 補充:
2009-02-01 10:58 pm
a.) Let p be a non-negative number.
By sub x=p, y=-p into (2), we have f(p)=f(p)f(-p), which gives f(p)=0 or f(-p)=f(p);
By sub x=y=-p into (2), we have f(-p)f(-p)=f(p)f(p), which gives f(-p)=f(p) or f(-p)=-f(p);
combining, we have f(-p)=f(p) for all non-negative p,
i.e. f(x)=f(|x|) for all real x
Remarks: this question wants us to show that "the functioned value of any negative number is nothing but the

functioned value of its magnitude", and in fact, it has nothing to do with the functioned value at zero.
Next, we try to prove in the sequence of
N -> Z -> Q -> R
N)) Let x be any real number.
The statement holds when n=1 trivially. Assume it holds when n=k.
so, by induction, hold for all n belongs to N.
Z)) Let p be any non-negative number.
Thus, f(a)=[f(1)]^(a^2) for all integer a.
Remarks: AL answer can be very precise(精簡), and actually you don't need to bother with the k=r^2, that's just due to limitations(不能上標再上標) of old word processing program.
Q)) Let p,q be any integer.
Therefore, f(p/q)=[f(1)]^(p^2/q^2),
i.e. f(r)=[f(1)]^(r^2) for all rational number r.
R)) Let x be any irrational number,
then there must exists an infinite sequence of rational number a1,a2,.... such that lim[n->inf]{ an } = x
Let k be any natural number, As ak is rational, f(ak)=[f(1)]^(ak^2)
Taking limit on both sides, lim[k->inf]{ f(ak) } = lim[k->inf]{ [f(1)]^(ak^2) }
which implies f( lim[k->inf]{ ak } ) = [f(1)]^( ( lim[k->inf]{ ak } ) ^2 ) as both [f(1)]^(x^2) and f(x) are
continuous for all real number x.
Thus, f(x) = [f(1)]^(x^2) for all real number x.

2009-02-01 15:03:54 補充:
For part d, the fact used are
(i) property of continuous function lim[x->a]{ f(x) } = f(a) iff f is cont at x=a.

2009-02-01 15:05:17 補充:
(ii)for every irrational number, we can approximate it by taking an infinite sequence of rational numbers.
See [ http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/yahoo-knowledger/article?mid=8 ] for such sequence.

2009-02-04 11:09:28 補充:
及時而出 朋友:
(i) "Hence, f(x)=0 for all x if f(0)=0"
(ii) "f(1)>=0"
諗得好詳細,用 f ( x / root(2) )squared 證亦好精彩~
不過題目話: 「1. f is a non-negative continous function」.....
2009-02-01 1:24 am
From (2),
implies f(0)=0 or f(0)=1
If f(0)=0, for any x>0,
f(x) = f(√(x^2+0^2))=f(x)f(0)=0 and
for any x<0, f(x)f(x) = f(√(x^2+x^2)) = f( |√2 x|) =0
Hence, f(x)=0 for all x if f(0)=0
If f(0)=0, then f(x)=0=f(|x|)
If f(0)=1,
f(x)=f(x)f(0) = f(√(x^2+0^2))=f(|x|)
= f(√n|x|) ... by (a)
= f(√{ nx^2 } )
= f(√{ (n-1)x^2 + x^2} )
= f(√{n-1}*x ) f(x)
= f(√{n-2}*x ) f(x) f(x)
= f(x) f(x) ... f(x) ... n terms
= {f(x) }^n
By (a), it is sufficient to consider r>0.
There exists positive integers m and n such that r*n = m.
= f( n*r )
= f(r)^(n^2) ... by (b)
On the other hand,
= f(m*1)
= f(1)^(m^2) ... by (b)
f(r)^(n^2) = f(1)^(m^2)
f(r) = f(1)^( (m/n)^2 ) = f(1)^( r^2) = f(1)^k
By (a), it is sufficient to consider x >0.
Let {r(j) } be a positive rational sequence such that
r(j1) < r(j2) if j1<j2 and lim r(j) = x
Now, let s(j)^2 = x^2 - r(j)^2
= f(√(r(j)^2+ s(j)^2))
f( r(j) ) f( s(j) )
= lim f(x)
= lim f( r(j) ) f( s(j) )
= lim f( r(j) ) lim f( s(j) )
= lim {f(1)^( r(j)^2) } lim f( s(j) ) .... by (c)
= {lim f(1)^( r(j)^2) } f( lim s(j) ) .... since f is continuous
= { f(1)^(x^2) } f(0)
= 0 if f(0)=0
= f(1)^(x^2) if f(0)=1
Since, f(1)=0 if f(0)=0, we have f(1)^(x^2) =0 if f(0)=0
Hence, we always have
f(x) = f(1)^(x^2) for all x

2009-01-31 17:26:14 補充:

2009-01-31 17:29:22 補充:

2009-01-31 23:53:24 補充:
(d)這招背後的理論是任何實數都可以用一有理數列的極限去表示,上了大學數學系一定會學。點解係 AL 題目有的咁既,聽的老鬼講話哩的係以前 AL set theory裡面既number system教,所以會係舊題目裡見到。但係 set theory已經 out syl. 好耐,老鬼可能恃老吹水,信不信由你。

2009-02-01 20:32:50 補充:

2009-02-01 20:32:59 補充:
From (2),
implies f(0)=0 or f(0)=1
If f(0)=0, for any x>0,
f(x) = f(√(x^2+0^2))=f(x)f(0)=0
and hence
for any x<0, f(x)f(x) = f(√(x^2+x^2)) = f( |√2 x|) =0
Hence, f(x)=0 for all x if f(0)=0

If f(0)=1, for x > 0 ,
f(x) = f(√{(x^2+x^2)/2} ) = f(x/√2)f(x/√2) > = 0

2009-02-01 20:42:01 補充:
Especially, f(1) > = 0.
( Otherwise, (c) and (d) will be undefined.)



2009-02-05 09:28:57 補充:
閣下唔講"f(0)=0"問題,我都睇唔到你"x in Z"裡面有問題。但係哩個唔係我睇到閣下証明裡的錯誤,我有意見的是(a)。

2009-02-05 09:29:21 補充:

2009-02-05 09:30:28 補充:

2009-02-05 09:31:45 補充:

呀! 特別送上一個沒有"研訊"的例子給大家。
2009-02-01 12:38 am

2009-01-31 17:34:36 補充:
myisland8132: 你點知 f(0)=1?
2009-01-31 11:05 pm
這是ALE的題目嗎? 寫下來很長吔!

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