Problem situation with girl?

2009-01-30 10:38 pm
okay, i really like this girl... nd i mean really like her, were close friends already but shes got a boyfriend... were close friends, she'll always talk to me, she'll ask me to come online on days to talk, more often than not she'll let me know about things first and text me to tell me something, in school she'll sometimes move seats to sit next to me and we have a play fights on times, she even tickles me, tickles my leg, palm of the hand... however, she hugs some of the boys i hang around with but not me... shall i tell her how i feel, even though she has a boyfriend? what will be the best way of telling her without making our friendship awkward, if i got it wrong?


回答 (13)

2009-01-30 10:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It may spoil your friendship if you tell her at the moment as she is in a relationship and you may put her in an awkward position. You should wait till she breaks up with her boyfriend before telling her. If you like this girl im sure you can wait for her. good luck and hope you get the results you expect and want.xx
2009-01-30 10:47 pm
I think you should try and get even closer if possible, don't tell her you like her but make it obvious (if it's not already) and see what happens. Wait till it's finished with the boyfriend and see how it does from there
2009-01-30 10:47 pm
i dont think it's a good idea to tell her
and that's for many reasons
1. yes, it will ruin the close friendship ya'll have
2. her boyfriend can get mad
3. she's going to feel weird about being with you, beleive me
i used to like this girl too, she was single though, but when i told her how strongly i feel about her, she tried to avoid me as much as she could
i ruined our friendship and i regret it
and only because i couldnt wait a little longer

just wait a little longer or when she's single
try to know a lot about her because when the time is perfect to tell her, she is going to feel wanted.
2009-01-30 10:46 pm
wow.....she likes you...she may have a boyfriend but in the back of her mind your her man.....and a good way to know where you stand is to playfully ask her just laugh while you say " if you didnt go out with ___ (his name) would you date me" and she may laugh and say yes then go "NO all jokes aside would you?" make it sound like your joking and if not the answer you wanna hear be like " we're to good of friends to date anyway..good luck.
2009-01-30 10:44 pm
Let her know how you feel, but remember she may not feel the same about you. If she's really your friend, she won't let this effect your friendship so hopefully you won't lose her.
2009-01-30 10:42 pm
I really really think she likes you!

Just let things go on as they are for a little while longer, then maybe eventually you can simply ask her if she likes you because you've liked her for ages.
2009-01-30 10:55 pm
Ok you are realising this strong emotions because she has boyfriend, it's normal when you see someone you like with another person it's like oh my days why now? but don't sweat over it, if you are true mate you'll let her be happy, if you want her love you'll tell when the time is right, first ask her how she feels about you, not like directly like, do you fancy me, but where do you see our friendship in 2years, 6 months get her emotions out first, but personally just go for it, if you truly have feelings
2009-01-30 10:53 pm
I think she really likes you, to the extent that she treats you like a close brother. Telling her how you feel when she is in a relationship is not a good idea.
However, i do think you should not act cool in front of her, do not show you care for her and treat her like a normal friend, i.e. not spent so much time with her and do not let her know you are interested in her stories/day when you talk to her. If she likes you in a boy friend way, she will soon realises and when she complains to you why you are behaving in such a way, then you tell her. even if she says no, it will still be fine, at least she knows and you tried. If she still does not like you, then it is life, face it, you are not always going to get what you want. I mean, the same applies to girls as well.

I am a girl and i have been exactly the same as the girl you talked about and now, i am with who used to be my best brother and we are really happy. I guess she would tell you all about her boyfriend and would come to you for problems as well? I was like that.
Anyway, i hope this helps and hope it will be a nice ending for you and her . Good luck.
參考: My personal experience!
2009-01-30 10:51 pm
I don't think you should say anything and just keep things as they are because you don't want to take the risk, as she may be generally flirty anyway, and therefore ruining the friendship.

Good luck though my friend.
2009-01-30 10:50 pm
what ever you do don't tell her how you feel when she is still going out with this guy. that would be one of the worst things you could ever do. like the answer above says just wait until she stops seeing the guy but don't do it right after the break up wait a while. and don't push it on her to bad either. make it sound really nice and sinseir. so i guess thats all i got. i really hope it helps. and i too know the position your in it really sucks. your not alone brother

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