Danny the champion of the worl

2009-01-31 12:04 am
我想要Danny the champion of the world 既comment..
要40個字到..you can less than 40..I think it OK...

THZ!!~" ^.^

回答 (2)

2009-02-02 8:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
A young English boy describes his relationship with his father and the special adventure they share together.
Ten-year-old Danny lives in a gypsy caravan, works on cars all day, and has a best friend who never runs out of surprises and inventions—his father. When Danny's dad shares the secret passion he's been hiding, the two embark on a unique adventure involving a can't-lose plan sure to make Danny the "champion of the world."
2009-02-05 5:22 am
我的名字is raymond li
www.money128.biz和www.fast - beauty.6289.us
[email protected]

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