
2009-01-30 11:44 pm
Complete the following list about Comparison of Adjectives.
Positive > Comparative > Superlative
e.g. polite > politer > politest
1. bad > ________ > _______
2. wide > ________ > _______
3. angry > ________ > _______
4. wet > ________ > _______
5. comfortable > ________ > _______
6. young > ________ > _______
7. little > ________ > _______
8. noisy > ________ > _______
9. cheap > ________ > _______
10. wonderful > ________ > _______

Fill in the blanks with the (opposites) of the given(Adjectives).
e.g. strange > familiar
1. bad >_______
2. old >_______
3. big >_______
4. clever >_______
5. open >_______
6. easy >_______
7. empty >_______
8. long >_______
9. sad >_______
10. dark >_______
11. alive >_______
12. heavy >_______
13. false >_______
14. high >_______
15. rich >_______
16. quick >_______
17. noisy >_______
18. sharp >_______
19. ill >_______
20. black >_______

回答 (2)

2009-01-31 12:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Complete the following list about Comparison of Adjectives.
Positive > Comparative > Superlative
e.g. polite > politer > politest
1. bad > ____worse____ > ___worst____
2. wide > ____wider____ > _widest______
3. angry > __angrier______ > __angriest_____
4. wet > ____wetter____ > _____wettest__
5. comfortable > _more comfortable_______ > the most comfortable_______
6. young > __younger______ > ___youngest____
7. little > _____less___ > __least_____
8. noisy > __noiser______ > ___noisest____
9. cheap > _____cheaper___ > _cheapest______
10. wonderful > more wonderful_______ > __the most wonderful_____

Fill in the blanks with the (opposites) of the given(Adjectives).
e.g. strange > familiar
1. bad >____good___
2. old >____young___
3. big >_____small__
4. clever >____stupid___
5. open >____closed___
6. easy >_____difficult
7. empty >____full___
8. long >______short_
9. sad >_____happy__
10. dark >_____bright__
11. alive >______dead_
12. heavy >_____light__
13. false >_____true
14. high >_____low__
15. rich >____poor___
16. quick >___slow____
17. noisy >____quiet___
18. sharp >____blunt___
19. ill >______well_
20. black >____white___

2009-01-30 19:06:16 補充:
1. bad > _worse_______ > __the worst_____

2009-01-30 19:10:33 補充:
for 1,2,3,4,6,7,8, 9 we usually use" the".

For example, the cheapest price.<-
參考: 886
2009-02-12 5:00 am
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