會計~tade-in of fixed assets

2009-01-30 8:47 pm
我睇唔明書(Frank Wood) 個到...
我想問下trade-in of fixed assets個part...
trade-in allowance係乜東東黎ga?
另外,我又睇唔明呢d entries
Dr Asset (cost price of the new asset)
Cr Cash or bank (amount paid for the new asset)
Cr Asset disposal (trade-in allowance)

回答 (1)

2009-01-31 12:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
Trade-in Allowance simply means the deemed price the seller would buy back your old asset i.e. the proceeds on your old asset 'sold' to the seller of the new asset.
In your case, you have to state out the gross price in your fixed assets account, e.g. Oringinal Cost $200, Trade-in Allowance $ 60 the money you have to pay to the supplier is $200-$60 = $140
So, you have to Dr. Asset $200 Cr. Cash/Bank $140 Cr. Asset Disposal ( Trade-in Allowance ) $60. This Asset Disposal account will contain the cost of the old asset and its accumulated depreciation and the reduction of this 'proceeds( Trade-in Allowance )' will be reflected in the Profit and Loss Account as Profit / Loss on disposal of asset.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 20:31:21
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